
The AMD Spartan-7 SP701 FPGA evaluation kit is equipped with the best-in-class performance-per-watt Spartan 7 FPGA, and is built for designs requiring sensor fusion.


AMD Versal VPK120 评估套件提供与高速连接配对的功耗优化型联网内核。该套件支持 Versal Premium VP1202 自适应计算加速平台,它集成了 100+ Gb/s PAM4 收发器、PCIe Gen 5、100 G 多速率以太网内核、600 G 以太网内核,以及 400 G 高速加密引擎等等。该评估套件能够通过为新一代网络及云系统预先构建、预先设计的基础架构,为软硬件差异化实现跨越式起步。


The AMD Versal VPK120 evaluation kit offers networked, power-optimized cores paired with high-speed connectivity.


AMD Kria™ KR260 机器人入门套件是基于 Kria 模块化系统(SOM)的开发平台,适合于机器人和工厂自动化应用。凭借原生的 ROS 2 支持,KR260 可使没有 FPGA 专长的机器人专家和工业开发人员能够开发用于机器人、机器视觉及工业通信和控制的硬件加速应用。


The AMD Kria™ KR260 Robotics Starter Kit is a Kria SOM-based development platform for robotics and factory automation applications.


The modern data center is quickly evolving. The need to deploy infrastructure that is as powerful as it is flexible has never been greater. See how the AMD Alveo can address challenging data center workloads.


This demo highlights the real-time video processing capabilities of Zynq UltraScale+ EV devices, headlined by an integrated H.264/H.265 video codec unit capable of simultaneous 4K encode and decode at up to 60 frames per second.


This video demonstrates the RFSoC RF Data Converter Evaluation Tool which enables performance evaluation of the Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC ADCs and DACs.


Learn how AMD UltraScale+™ FPGAs and MPSoCs enable the direct use of these interconnect, and how the KCU116 and VCU118 Evaluation Kits can jump start your transceiver based design.


This video demonstrates the 4K video processing capabilities of Zynq® UltraScale+™ MPSoC EV devices. These devices feature an integrated multi-standard video codec capable of simultaneous encode and decode at up to 60 frames per second.


Overview of the Zynq UltraScale+ ZCU111 Evaluation Kit and features.