
The igus articulated arm robot, Robolink DP, can be used in a wide variety of application scenarios. From labelling, to pick and place, to quality assurance. The igus articulated-arm robot reliably takes on monotonous and time-consuming tasks.

Brief overview of assembling a gantry and programming with the igus Robot Control.

Step by step instruction on downloading and installing the iRC software. Free to download without licesense for easy control of igus robot systems.

Brief overview of programming an igus gantry with the igus Robot Control. Software that is free to download without licesense for easy control of igus robot systems.

The delta robots from igus are available with both two- or three-axis kinematics offering the advantage of choosing between different sizes and fast picking rate of 100/60 picks/min. for conveyor belt picking or sorting applications work area.

An igus Delta robot does the pick and place from the conveyor to the trays, two cameras take care of the position on the conveyor and if the can needs to be rotated. The iRC igus Robot Control manages the delta robot plus 3 additional joints.

This education kit for colleges, universities, and educational institutions. Project panels with a connection to reality. With ready-made educational documents for students and teachers; over 100 hours of learning material.

The product name ReBeL® stands for" Robotic Embedded-BLDC & electronics Link". The robot is ideally suited for cobot applications due to its compact and lightweight design.