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RGB LED Matrices with CircuitPython

By Adafruit Industries

RGBMatrix creates brilliant light displays.


Automating Indoor Air Quality with Adafruit FunHouse CO2 Monitoring

By Nate_Larson

Learn how to monitor CO2 levels, and use this data to automate home ventilation equipment using a Sensirion sensor, ESP32 development boards, and a Raspberry Pi


IoT Motion/Temperature Logger with the Analog Devices ADXL343 + ADT7410

By Adafruit Industries

Upgrade any Feather board with motion and precision temperature sensing and logging with the Adafruit Sensor Featherwing, the Arduino IDE, and Adafruit IO.


Adafruit Feather 32u4 Bluefruit LE

By Adafruit Industries

The Adafruit Feather 32u4 Bluefruit is an 'all-in-one' Arduino-compatible + Bluetooth Low Energy with built in USB and battery charging. Its an Adafruit Feather 32u4 with a BTLE module.


CircuitPython Hardware Charlieplex LED Matrix

By Adafruit Industries

How to use Charlieplex LED matrices with CircuitPython!


CircuitPython Hardware SD Cards

By Adafruit Industries

Learn how to use a microSD card to store code & data with CircuitPython and MicroPython!


Pulse Room

By Adafruit Industries

Controlling room lighting & sound with the beating of your own heart.