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CircuitPython LED Animations

By Adafruit Industries

Learn how to create beautiful animated display on RGB LEDs, like NeoPixels and DotStars, using the Adafruit CircuitPython LED Animations helper library.


CompuCanvas 101 - Transitions

By Adafruit Industries

I'll walk you through the process of constructing a CompuCanvas type system, designing characters and scenes on canvas using functional computer systems.


CRICKIT Exhibit Demo Board

By Adafruit Industries

This project shows how to connect a series of buttons, sensors, NeoPixel LED lights, motors, a speaker and more to showcase all the awesome things CRICKIT can do!


Build a Grinch Fireplace Triggered with a Homemade Switch

By Adafruit Industries

In this project we'll build an interactive cardboard fireplace with LEDs and a motorized Grinch!


Glowing Slime Lunchbox

By Adafruit Industries

Make glowing slime for fun projects.