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Roadmap Dashboard

The Roadmap Dashboard is a step-by-step guide to take your project from concept to market! We've conveniently provided resources and tools needed to handle every twist and turn you'll encounter on your road to success!

The dashboard is available to you after a project has been created. To access this, simply view your profile and select a project. On the right side under your content editor options you will see "View Roadmap Dashboard".

Image of the View Project Dashboard link

Figure 1: View Roadmap Dashboard

Once you click on this, you are taken to the Project Roadmap Dashboard. Here you will see quite a few tools that can be used to assist you in the process of taking a project from concept all the way to market.

Image of the Full page

Figure 2: The Project Roadmap Dashboard

The navigation on your left side is used to view each step. Simply click on the area you wish to work on and dive right in! The progress bar mirrors your actions in the checklist, it will move forward or backward as items are checked and unchecked.

Image of the empty Dashboard Navigation trackers

Figure 3: The Dashboard Navigation shows where you are in the Project Roadmap process

The To Do checklist is your ultimate guide. Each step of the roadmap has its own checklist. These checklists consist of each area we recommend be completed to ensure a detailed plan of attack.

Image of the To-Do List

Figure 4: The To-Do List for the Prototyping portion of the Project Roadmap

The descriptions are shown underneath the step you are working on. You can view this by clicking on the item name, in this example "Prototype Enclosure".

Image of the Prototype Enclosure description

Figure 5: The Description for the “Prototype Enclosure” step

Your progress will be saved as you continue to update each checklist, so you can come back at any time - you'll never be lost!

Image of the updating tracking bars

Figure 6: How the updating trackers work

Pro tip: Don't skimp on detail, be thorough and do your research!

While you cruise along the roadmap you'll notice each category has videos and articles pertaining to areas of interest. These are valuable resources to keep you informed and motivated. Adafruit's LadyAda has put together a video series called "From Maker to Market", which is also a great resource! This detailed video series is highly recommended as you'll hear the pro's take on taking a product from concept to reality, and you’ll uncover some helpful hints along the way!

Image of the Maker to Market video series

Figure 7: The "From Maker to Market" video series is awesome! We recommend you watch each video to gain a better understanding of what to focus on, and what's coming in the road ahead.

If you'd like to watch the full series in order, you can check out's Youtube channel, where they have a playlist that includes all of the videos in order.

Don't forget to check out the Resources and Tools provided along the way, located under the To-Do List.

Image of Resources under the To-Do Checklist

Figure 8: Resources are also available under the To-Do Checklist.

The Roadmap Dashboard is a guide, but you control your destiny. Enjoy the process, learn as you go, and most importantly – have fun!

If you have feedback or experience problems with our dashboard please contact us.
