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What Are Electric Motors-A Brief Guide

2022-03-25 | By Kitronik Maker

License: See Original Project

Courtesy of Kitronik

By Kitronik Maker

Motors provide a clean way to convert electrical energy (such as from batteries) into ‎mechanical energy (or movement.) This document explains what a motor is, a little of ‎the theory about how it works, and shows some of the different types of motors.‎


It illustrates how motors can be controlled, and what limitations there are in their use. ‎This guide assumes a basic knowledge of electricity. ‎

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Electric Motors – A Brief Guide - A Little History:‎

Electric motors have been around for a long time, roughly 200 years. Whilst there is ‎more than one type of motor the most common ones in use today, and the ones we are ‎interested in in this document use the principles of electromagnetism to provide motion. ‎Michael Faraday is credited with discovering the laws of electromagnetic induction in ‎the early 1800s.‎


Figure 1: A Victorian electric motor

‎How does a Motor Work?‎

Motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. A basic motor is made up of a ‎magnet and a coil of wire. When current flows through a wire, it creates a magnetic field. ‎Placing another magnet near to this field creates a force. The size of the force depends ‎on three factors:

  • The amount of current flowing in the wire
  • The length of the wire
  • The strength of the magnetic field‎

The force can be calculated by the following equation:‎

Force α (current) x (wire length) x (magnetic field)

‎Increasing any of these factors will increase the force and therefore increase the speed ‎of the motor. The direction of the current, the magnetic field, and the resulting force are ‎related. John Ambrose Fleming devised the Left-hand rule to show the direction of force ‎on a current carrying wire in a magnetic field.‎


Figure 2: Illustrating Flemings Left Hand Rule‎

‎Fleming’s Left-Hand Rule (figure 2) shows:‎

  • Direction of the current flow in the wire (middle finger)
  • Direction of the magnetic field (Index finger)
  • Direction of the force created (thumb)

The direction of the force shows the direction that the motor coil will move, and hence ‎the direction of rotation. ‎‎ ‎

Brushed Motors:‎

In order to allow current to flow through a moving wire, a brush is used. This slides over ‎the connection surface. In a brushed motor this rotating surface is called a commutator. ‎In the following example, the commutator is split into two, to allow connection to each ‎end of the single coil of wire. Typical motors have commutators with many segments. ‎Each end of the coil is connected to a part of the commutator and will rotate with the ‎motors shaft. As the commutator rotates, it connects with two contacts, known as ‎brushes (a positive and a negative brush). Because the commutator is split this causes ‎the current to continue to flow in the same direction as the motor turns, even though the ‎ends of the coil have changed.‎ ‎


Figure 3: Diagram showing parts of a motor ‎

figure4_5‎ ‎

Figure 4: Showing an 'ideal' motor[/caption] When a voltage is applied (via the ‎commutator) current flows around the coil. A force is created from the magnetic field, ‎and the coil moves away in accordance with Flemings Left Hand Rule. ‎


Figure 5: Showing an 'ideal' motor

‎‎As the coil rotates towards the opposite side the force would change direction, and the ‎motor would not spin. To prevent this the commutator switches the current to flow in ‎the opposite direction through the coil, which then continues to ‎rotate. ‎ ‎


Figure 6: Showing an 'ideal' motor‎ ‎

This process is done every half turn and keeps on repeating while there is a supply to ‎the commutator. To change the direction the motor turns, simply change the polarity of ‎supply to the commutator. Typical DC motors have multiple coils and commutator ‎segments to ensure that they run smoothly and can start easily.‎‎

Direction Control:‎

A commonly used method of switching the direction of current flow is called the H ‎bridge (figure 7) It is known as this because its schematic representation is often drawn ‎to look like a capital letter ‎H. ‎ ‎


Figure 7: Schematic of an H Bridge

‎It has 4 switches, often Field Effect Transistors (labelled 1, 2, 3 and 4), which can be ‎controlled in pairs, one from the top and one from the bottom on opposite sides of the ‎motor (1 and 4, or 2 and 3). Turning on both switches on the same side will short circuit ‎the power supply to ground, which is not a good idea. Most motor driver circuits have ‎inbuilt protection to prevent this from happening. A single H bridge can be used to ‎control a brushed DC motor, both for direction, and with some additional work, speed. ‎Figure 8 shows the current flow (red arrows) for forwards and reverse of a ‎motor. ‎ ‎


Figure 8: How current flows in an H Bridge‎ ‎‎ ‎

Speed Control:‎

The speed a DC motor runs at is related to the power that is supplied to it. Most motor ‎datasheets will specify a no-load speed at a certain voltage. Because of Ohms law (Volts ‎‎=Amps x Resistance), this also implies a certain current, and therefore a certain power ‎input (Power = Volts x Amps). The No Load speed is the speed that the motor will get to ‎with only the inbuild friction slowing it down. Once a load is applied to the motor – ‎such as turning a gearbox to drive a wheel – the motor will slow down unless the input ‎power is increased. At the rated voltage and current, the motor will produce the rated ‎torque and turn at the rated speed. If the output asked for is too great, then the motor ‎could stall. At that point, the maximum current will flow (usually referred to as the Stall ‎current.) Figure 9 shows an extract from a datasheet for a small DC motor.‎


Figure 9: Extract from a small motor datasheet‎ ‎

The power input can be controlled by varying the voltage (or current) available to the ‎motor. This might be a simple as adding a variable resistor into the circuit, but it is more ‎common to use a technique called pulse width modulation (PWM) to control the motor ‎from a microprocessor. PWM controls the average voltage (and therefore current – they ‎are related by Ohms law) over a period of time by switching the voltage on and off ‎much faster. If the ‘On’ time is equal to the ‘Off’ time, then the average is 50%. Figure ‎‎10 shows 3 waveforms. The top waveform has an average power of 50%, the second ‎waveform and average power of 25%, and the bottom waveform an average power of ‎‎75%.‎


Figure 10: Illustration of PWM waveforms‎ ‎

By controlling the power available to the motor, we can control its speed. ‎‎ ‎

Removing the Brushes:‎

Because the brushes and commutator are constantly sliding over each other eventually ‎they will wear out. When this happens, the motor will no longer run. It is possible to ‎build an electric motor without brushes – these motors are called brushless motors. A ‎brushless motor is conceptually inside out from a brushed motor – the coils of wire stay ‎still, and the magnets are attached to the rotating shaft. There are 2 main sorts of ‎brushless motors – Inrunners (Figure 11) – where the magnets are inside the coils, and ‎Outrunners – where the magnets are on the outside of the coils. (Figure 12) ‎


Figure 11: A Small Inrunner Moto


Figure 12: A Pair of Outrunner Motors


Figure13: A Disassembled Outrunner ‎Motor‎ ‎

Figure 13 shows a disassembled Outrunner. The magnets on the rotor can be clearly ‎seen, as can the fixed coils of wire. As we have seen to allow the motor to turn there ‎needs to be a method of changing the direction of current flow in the coil of wire. This is ‎called ‘commutation.’ The example shown in figure 4 et seq. illustrates a brushed motor. ‎There are other ways to achieve commutation without using brushes. Stepper motors ‎and ‘Brushless’ motors use an external controller to take the place of the rotating ‎commutator on the motor shaft. This external controller is responsible for switching the ‎direction of the current to keep the motor spinning. Brushless controllers are similar to ‎sets of H bridges, but they switch direction more often in order to keep the motor ‎spinning in the same direction! There are various methods of ensuring the switching ‎happens at the correct time. These involve either a sensor on the motor or using the ‎motor itself as a sensor. The detail is not important for using a motor controller, as long ‎as you pair a sensor controller with a sensored motor or a sensorless controller with a ‎sensorless motor. The vast majority of hobby motors and controllers are sensorless. ‎

Which motor do I have?‎

A brushed motor usually has 2 connection points. These connect to the brushes inside ‎the motor. Figures 14, 15 and 16 show different brushed motors. If the motor has wires ‎coming from it then these can be used to connect it up. Most brushed motors, however, ‎have tags on the motor to connect wires to.‎


Figure 14: A Geared Brushed Motor


Figure 15: A Brushed Motor with wires


Figure 16: A Large Brushed Motor‎

Figures 17 to 19 show how to attach wires to the most common type of brushed motor ‎tag. The wire is stripped and then fed through the hole. It is then bent back on itself, ‎which provides mechanical security. To provide a good electrical connection the bare ‎wire and tag are then soldered.‎


Figure 17: Push wire through hole


Figure 18: Bend wire to secure it


Figure 19: Solder wire and tag

‎When connected up if the motor turns the wrong way then simply swap the 2 wires ‎over.‎


Figure 20: Brushless Inrunner showing connection leads


Figure 21: An RC Brushless motor control

It will also need a dedicated brushless motor controller, which will have 3 connections ‎for the motor, and 2 for the power supply. Figure 20 shows the connections from a ‎brushless Inrunner, and Figure 21 shows a typical brushless motor controller. This ‎controller is designed for use with a Radio Control (RC) system, so as well as the motor ‎and battery connections it has a servo plug as well. When connected up if the motor ‎turns the wrong way then swapping any 2 of the 3 wires will reverse the direction. A ‎stepper motor will have more connections. Common steppers have 4,5,6 or 8 wires. ‎These connect to the different coils inside the motor, and need connecting to the correct ‎place on a dedicated stepper motor driver. Because stepper motors are a specialist type ‎of brushless motor the details of stepper motors and how to use them are covered in ‎another guide. ‎

Using a Motor with a Microcontroller:‎

The 2 main methods of controlling a motor (either brushed or brushless) from a ‎microcontroller are to control an H bridge or brushless controller directly or to use an ‎RC servo interface (which then drives the H bridge). Microcontrollers can usually only ‎output very small amounts of current from their pins, so attaching a motor directly to ‎them will not work and could damage the microcontroller. Using the H bridge allows the ‎program to directly control what the motor does. Often H bridges are built into ‎dedicated Integrated Circuits (IC) for this purpose, which may also contain some ‎protection features to prevent damage to the motor, the IC and the power supply. When ‎using a servo interface the motor controller may be designed for use in aircraft or cars. ‎Controllers designed for use in Aircraft normally only run in a single direction, as most ‎aeroplanes don’t fly well in reverse. Car / Boat controllers will run a motor both ‎forwards and backwards. There may be additional features, such as braking and speed ‎hold. The motor controller’s manual should explain these. Typically, a single direction ‎controller will use the full range of the servo (1-2mS) for speed, whereas the bi-‎directional controller will use half the range for forwards, and half for reverse, with stop ‎in the middle. ‎


Electric motors are a clean method of providing controllable movement. There are many ‎types so most requirements can be accommodated, and the methods of controlling them ‎are simple. The main limitation of motors is their requirement for a source of electricity ‎which can then provide enough current and voltage to enable them to perform the work ‎required. Brushless motors trade the simplicity of a brushed motor for the lack of ‎wearing parts. They require more complex control circuits but can then provide more ‎efficiency and long-term reliability. ‎

By David Sanderson, MEng (hons) DIS, CEng MIMarEST Technical Director at Kitronik‎‎ ‎

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‎Images used in this document sourced from:

‎Figure 1: a Victorian Electric Motor, photograph, viewed 21st Mar 2019, ‎ Figure‎

2: Diagram of Flemings Left Hand Rule by Kitronik. Figure 11: Diagram showing parts ‎of a motor by Kitronik.‎

Figure 4: Showing an 'ideal' motor, diagram by Kitronik.

‎Figure 5: Showing an 'ideal' motor, diagram by Kitronik.‎

Figure 6: Showing an 'ideal' motor, diagram by Kitronik.‎

Figure 7: Schematic of an H Bridge, diagram by Kitronik.‎

Figure 8: How currents flow in an H Bridge, diagram by Kitronik.‎

Figure 9: Extract from motor datasheet, viewed 21st Mar 2019, http://www.e-‎‎

Figure 10: Illustration of PWM waveforms, diagram by Kitronik.‎

Figure 11: A Small Inrunner Motor, photograph, viewed 21st Mar ‎‎2019,

Figure 12: A Pair of Outrunner Motors, photograph, viewed 21st Mar ‎‎2019,

Figure 13: A Disassembled Outrunner Motor, photograph, viewed 21st Mar ‎‎2019,‎brushless-motor

Figure 14: A Geared Brushed Motor, photograph by Kitronik.‎

Figure 15: A Brushed Motor with wires, photograph by Kitronik.‎

Figure 16: A Large Brushed Motor, photograph by Kitronik.‎

Figure 17: Push Wire through hole, photograph by Kitronik.‎

Figure 18: Bend wire to secure it, photograph by Kitronik.‎

Figure 19: Solder wire and tag, photograph by Kitronik.‎

Figure 20: Brushless Inrunner showing connection leads, photograph, viewed 21st Mar ‎‎2019,

Figure 21: Brushless motor controller, photograph, viewed 21st Mar 2019, By Avsar ‎Aras - Own work, CC BY-SA


©Kitronik Ltd – You may print this page & link to it but must not copy the page or part thereof ‎without Kitronik's prior written consent.‎

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