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Intro to the Google Coral Dev Board Micro: Custom Object Detection

2024-02-26 | By ShawnHymel

License: Attribution Camera Microcontrollers Coral

The Google Coral Dev Board Micro is a powerful microcontroller board with a dual-core ARM Cortex-M7 and M4 along with a Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) AI accelerator. By compiling and running models on the TPU, we can achieve impressively fast inference results in a small package. This tutorial will walk you through the process of training a custom object detection model (MobileNetV2-SSD) and running it on the Coral Micro.

Using this method, I was able to achieve inference speeds of around 8-12 frames per second (FPS) with 320x320 color input images. This is pretty impressive for full object detection running on a microcontroller-based board for under 1 watt. 

If you would like to see this tutorial in video form, check out the following:


Important! The FreeRTOS-based software development kit (SDK) for the Coral Micro (called coralmicro) works in Linux only. I have not tried it in macOS, but many of the packages are installed via Aptitude when you run the installation scripts. The following steps were tested on Ubuntu 20.04.

Additionally, note that while Google has Arduino examples for the Coral Micro, I was unable to get any of the machine learning demos to compile correctly. As a result, I recommend sticking with the FreeRTOS-based coralmicro SDK.

All code and examples for this tutorial can be found in this GitHub repository.

Collect Data

Install the coralmicro SDK:

Copy Code
mkdir -p ~/Projects
cd ~/Projects
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
cd coralmicro && bash

Clone or download the google-coral-micro-object-detection repository somewhere on your computer. Go into the image collection portion and create a symbolic link to the coralmicro SDK:

Copy Code
cd ~/Projects
git clone
cd google-coral-micro-object-detection/firmware/image-collection-http
ln -s ~/Projects/coralmicro/ coralmicro

Put your Coral Micro board into bootloader mode by pressing and holding the middle button (SW2) while plugging in the USB cable to your computer. The orange LED in the bottom-right corner should stay lit to let you know the board is in bootloader mode.

Run CMake, build, and flash the image collection firmware to the Coral Micro:

Copy Code
cmake -B build/ -S .
make -C build/ -j4
python3 coralmicro/scripts/ --build_dir build/ --elf_path build/coralmicro-app

Once the Coral Micro boots, you can open a browser and navigate to to access the webserver running on the Coral Micro. You should be presented with a page that streams images from the camera and gives you the option to save images to your computer. Once again, this is Linux-only (Windows lacks the Ethernet-over-USB drivers to make this work).

Viewing Google Coral Micro web page

Point the camera at your desired objects and click the Save Image button at the top to save a copy of what the camera sees to your computer. Note that the image filename will be given a random hash, so you can keep pressing save.

You will want to gather a lot of data–the more, the better! Around 400 images containing my target objects were enough to train a decent object detection model for my project, but you may need more.

Label Data

For object detection, we need to use a labeling program to create a series of bounding boxes that act as our ground truth labels. Head to and click Get Started at the bottom. Upload all your images as requested and select Object Detection for the project type.

When asked, create your labels for the different objects you want to identify. For my robot project, I want to identify “basket” and “target” objects, so I create those labels.

Labeling images with Make Sense

Click Start Project. Click and drag to create a box over each of your intended objects. Change the label as needed by selecting the drop-down menu for each bounding box on the right.

Creating bounding boxes in Make Sense

Repeat this process for all images in your dataset. When you are done, select Actions > Export Annotations. Select A .zip package containing files in VOC XML format, and click Export.

Export image annotations in Make Sense

Unzip your XML files. Create a directory for your images named “images” and a directory for your annotations named “Annotations” (note the spelling and capitalization–they’re important!). Zip those directories together in an archive named “”

Copy Code
├── Annotations/
│   ├── image.01.xml
│   ├── image.02.xml
│   ├── ...
└── images/
    ├── image.01.jpg
    ├── image.02.jpg
    └── ...

Train Model

Navigate to the MediaPipe Object Detection Learning notebook in the repository. Click on the Open in Colab button to open the notebook in a Google Colab instance (note that you will need a Gmail account). Follow the directions in the notebook to upload your Execute all the cells (press shift+enter) to install MediaPipe, train your object detection model, and convert it to a TensorFlow Lite file compiled for the TPU.

Training the object detection model with MediaPipe

The script should download a collection of models in a file named to your computer. Unzip that file.

Test Model

If you would like to test the model with one (or more) of your images, you run this TFLite testing notebook. You will need to upload your .tflite file, metadata.json, and your test image. Note that you will need to change the IMAGE_PATH variable to match the name of your uploaded image.

Test object detection model with TensorFlow Lite

Deploy to Coral Micro

Once you are happy with your model’s performance, you can deploy it to the Coral Micro to run inference locally on the device (using the TPU). From your file that you downloaded, copy model_int8_edgetpu.tflite and metadata.hpp files to the google-coral-micro-object-detection/firmware/object-detection-http folder. Overwrite the default files already in that folder (those belong to the model that I trained on my data).

Navigate to the directory and create a symbolic link to the coralmicro SDK:

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cd ~/Projects/google-coral-micro-object-detection/firmware/object-detection-http
ln -s ~/Projects/coralmicro/ coralmicro

Put your Coral Micro into bootloader mode. Build and flash the firmware:

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cmake -B build/ -S .
make -C build/ -j4
python3 coralmicro/scripts/ --build_dir build/ --elf_path build/coralmicro-app

Note that if you wish to make changes to the firmware without uploading the .tflite model or the index.html files, you can add the --nodata flag to the flashing script. This can save you lots of flashing time during development. Additionally, you can change the default IP address with the --usb_ip_address flag. For example:

Copy Code
python3 coralmicro/scripts/ --build_dir build/ --elf_path build/coralmicro-app --nodata --usb_ip_address

Open a serial port to the Coral Micro if you wish to view the debugging information. Note that the bounding box information is streamed across the USB serial port as well as over the hardware UART pins on the Coral Micro board.

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picocom /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200

The bounding box information should be streamed over the serial ports in JSON format.

Viewing the bounding box JSON data over serial

Finally, you can navigate to again to see images streamed from the camera with a bounding box overlay. You can open your browser’s console (F12 on most systems) to see the raw bounding box data (also in JSON format).

Bounding box information and images in a browser

Going Further

A lot of steps and code are required to train a custom object detection model, convert it to a TPU file, and deploy it to a development board! While we covered the steps required to make this happen, we glossed over the theory and details. If you would like to dive into modifying the code or making your own embedded machine learning system using the Coral Micro, please check out the following resources:

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