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Build an IoT Thermometer with Adafruit IO WipperSnapper

2022-04-26 | By Staff

License: See Original Project

A recent article investigated the all-new WipperSnapper firmware that lets you connect ‎supported development boards to Adafruit IO easier and faster than ever before. The article also ‎summarized a few of the essential features of Adafruit IO and how you can install the firmware ‎on your development boards. However, the article didn’t discuss creating a cloud project that ‎uses the WipperSnapper firmware. This article leads you through the steps involved in creating a ‎new Adafruit IO project that makes use of WipperSnapper on an official Adafruit Feather ‎HUZZAH 8266 development board.‎


This image shows the finished project assembled on a solderless breadboard.‎

About the Project

This finished project will act as a small connected indoor thermometer that measures the ‎humidity and temperature in a room. The ESP8266-based development board communicates ‎with the BME280 module via I2C, and it requests temperature and humidity data every 30 ‎seconds. Then, the development board uploads the measured values to the Adafruit IO cloud, ‎where the website displays them using pre-made widgets. In addition, the ESP8266 also turns on ‎the red LED whenever the temperature surpasses a predefined threshold value. You’ll need to ‎following components to build this project:‎‎


The Schematic Diagram

As mentioned, the sensor breakout board and the development board communicate via I2C. ‎Therefore, you only need to connect two pins from ESP8266 to the BME280. Then, connect ‎each LED anode to another digital pin on the development board.


A schematic diagram for this project. 

Registering Components in Adafruit IO‎

As mentioned in the previous article, you don’t need to write any source code when using the ‎WipperSnapper firmware with Adafruit IO. However, you still have to tell the development board ‎what to do with the connected sensors and external components. To begin, navigate to the ‎Adafruit IO website, click the WipperSnapper tab, and then make sure that the website detects ‎your device and that it is online:‎


Navigate to the WipperSnapper page within Adafruit IO. Then verify that the device is online. ‎Click the device to navigate to the device-specific page.‎

Select the board once you verify it is online. Doing so will bring you to the device-specific page ‎within Adafruit IO. Here, you can register external components in your design and specify how ‎you want them to behave. Start by clicking the new component button in the top-right corner of ‎the website:‎


Use the highlighted button on the device-specific page to link the development board to external ‎components.

Here, you can select the device you want to add. Note that WipperSnapper is still in ‎development and that the service supports only a limited number of devices and components at ‎this point. However, you can scroll down within the list and select the Adafruit BME280 breakout ‎board:‎


The website displays all supported external components. Choose the BME280 breakout module.

The website will then ask you to configure that device. It also automatically detects whether the ‎development board found the selected sensor board. For this project, you can deselect the ‎altitude measurement and pressure sensor. However, make sure to enable temperature and ‎humidity readouts and set the update frequency to thirty seconds. Then, click the blue button to ‎create the component.‎


Enable the BME280’s temperate and humidity sensor. Then, click the highlighted button in the ‎bottom-right corner.

Note that these steps only function if the development board is online and successfully detects ‎the BME280 breakout module. Repeat the same steps for the red and green LEDs once you ‎finish adding the sensor breakout module. Make sure to select the correct digital pins when you ‎add the LEDs. The device page should then look like this:‎


The device-specific page should now display the humidity sensor readouts and the LED state.

At this point, you’ve already added a complex sensor breakout module and two LEDs to your ‎design without writing a single line of code. Further, the device should begin uploading data to ‎Adafruit IO as soon as you add the components, and you can see how the values update about ‎twice a minute on the device’s page.‎

Creating a Dashboard for Displaying Sensor Values

Use the links along the top edge of the Adafruit IO website to navigate to the dashboards page. ‎Then, click the blue button on the dashboards page to generate a new dashboard.‎

Adafruit IO dashboards help you visualize and organize data sent to the cloud by your devices. ‎You can add pre-made widgets that let you view data that your device uploaded to the cloud. In ‎addition, some widgets also allow you to interact with a device. To begin, add a new block to the ‎newly generated dashboard by clicking the gear icon in the top-right corner of the page:‎


Navigate to the dashboards page within Adafruit IO. Then, click the highlighted button in the top-‎right corner of the website.‎

The website then lists the widgets you can add to this dashboard. Start by selecting the gauge ‎widget, which displays a pop-up window for choosing a feed. A feed represents the data source ‎for a widget. In this case, select the humidity value coming from the BME280 breakout board ‎you set up earlier.‎


Select the humidity sensor value as the data feed for this widget. Make sure not to select ‎multiple values.‎

Click the blue button in the bottom-right corner to proceed to the next step. Here you can change ‎the display settings of a dashboard widget. You can change these options as you like.‎


You can change the widget settings as you like. You can also choose an icon by scrolling down.‎

For the humidity readout, it makes sense to set the minimum value to zero and the maximum to ‎‎100, as the sensor returns a percentage. In addition, I set the low warning level to ten and the ‎high warning level to 60. The gauge will turn red if the reading goes below or beyond the warning ‎levels. Repeat the same steps for the temperature gauge. The dashboard should then look ‎similar to this:‎


The finished dashboard contains two-gauge widgets. I tested the sensor and the threshold ‎values by holding the sensor over a cup of hot water.‎

Adding Custom Actions to Make the Project React to Events‎

So far, you’ve added components to your project, and you've linked the values of the sensor to ‎two gauges on a custom dashboard. However, the project doesn’t do much besides displaying ‎the values on a website. Besides this simple functionality, the two LEDs on the breadboard ‎should allow users to quickly determine whether the temperature is too high without having to ‎navigate to the website. The red LED should turn on when the temperature is at least 29 degrees ‎Celsius. Otherwise, the green LED should be on.‎

You can define this custom behavior using actions within Adafruit IO. To begin, navigate to the ‎actions page and click the “New Action” button. Doing so brings up a relatively large pop-up ‎modal window.‎


Actions let you define the development board’s behavior without having to write any code.‎

Here, you can choose between reactive actions and scheduled actions. The Adafruit IO cloud ‎automatically runs reactive actions whenever the development board uploads values that meet a ‎certain requirement. Scheduled actions run periodically, for example, once every hour. Create a ‎reactive action and choose the BME280 temperature sensor as the data source. Then, fill in the ‎form so that the cloud publishes a message to the red LED whenever the temperature value ‎exceeds 29. Repeat these steps for the other cases so that the website displays the following ‎actions:‎


Add actions so that the green LED turns on when the temperature is less than or equal to 29 ‎degrees. Then, define an action that turns the green LED off if the temperature exceeds 29 ‎degrees Celsius. Analogously add actions for the red LED.‎

These example actions only use physical hardware present on the breadboard. However, you ‎can also instruct the Adafruit IO cloud to send messages to external APIs or web services such ‎as Twitter.


The Adafruit IO WipperSnapper firmware for selected development boards makes building IoT ‎projects from scratch easier than ever before. You can effortlessly configure external ‎components, beautiful dashboards, and custom actions once you install the firmware on a ‎supported board and connect it to the Internet.‎

Start your WipperSnapper project by connecting the components to the development board. ‎Then, make sure that the device appears on the Adafruit IO WipperSnapper page. From there, ‎you can configure components and more complex devices ranging from simple push buttons ‎and LEDs to elaborate sensor breakout modules. Currently, the WipperSnapper software only ‎supports a few boards and modules. However, the developers regularly add new devices, ‎features, and bug fixes.‎

Once you finish setting up the components, you can add a dashboard to visualize the data sent ‎to the cloud by the development board. The website lets you place pre-made widgets on the ‎dashboard and connect them to a data source, for example, the temperature readout of the ‎BME280 breakout board. Next, you can configure the look and feel of the widgets on your ‎custom dashboard.‎

Lastly, you can use actions to make the cloud application react to certain events, for example, ‎the temperature exceeding a predetermined threshold value. Events can also run periodically, ‎and they are not limited to the Adafruit IO cloud. You can, for example, make the cloud post ‎tweets or send emails.‎

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Adafruit Industries LLC
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Adafruit Industries LLC
制造商零件编号 XCVG12D
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