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3D Print Patterns for Investment Casting

2023-11-02 | By Lulzbot

License: See Original Project 3D Printer 3D Printing

Courtesy of Lulzbot

Guide by Lulzbot




‎3D printing patterns for investment casting is increasingly becoming the go-to solution ‎for artisans, engineers, and industrial professionals alike. With LulzBot 3D Printers and ‎PolyCast, users are able to test designs, iterate faster, and quickly produce short runs ‎while reducing expensive tooling and long lead times. At a fraction of the cost of most ‎additive manufacturing investment casting solutions, LulzBot 3D Printers enable ‎companies of all sizes to speed innovation while reducing costs.


Turn 3D Prints into Metal Parts

Step 1: 3D Printing with PolyCast

Award-winning LulzBot 3D Printers now come with ready-to-print profiles for PolyCast, ‎a filament designed specifically for investment casting applications, producing a near-‎flawless burnout with less than .003% remaining ash residue. Simply load the filament ‎into your LulzBot Mini 2 or LulzBot TAZ 6, select the PolyCast print profile in Cura ‎LulzBot Edition, and hit print. In addition, use the following printing tips to ensure ‎professional and dimensionally accurate results:‎

When placing your model on the build plate, select an orientation to minimize the ‎need for support structure as much as possible. This will help improve the surface ‎finish and printing time.‎

Print your model with minimal infill (ie,10%) and number of shells (2-3) to help ‎facilitate the burnout process.‎ Shrinkage compensation will need to be applied to the .STL file to compensate for ‎the dimensional change in the metal between the molten and the solid states. ‎Modify the model size by the metal/alloy-dependent compensation factor, which ‎is usually between 1.007-1.030. As an example, the compensation factor for steel ‎is 1.025-1.030. If the dimension of the metal part is to be 1 m, the dimension of ‎the printed pattern should be 1.025-1.030 m.‎

A layer height of 0.1-0.2 mm is ideal for this application. This helps with print ‎resolution and post-processing.‎

Note: PolyCast absorbs moisture. It is highly recommended to store this filament under ‎dry conditions (relative humidity of no more than 20%.)

Step 2: Post-Processing

For the investment casting process, it is important to start off with a smooth print ‎surface that is free from defects and debris. Dip and spray polishing are two ‎recommended methods of post-processing. Before beginning, we recommended using an ‎‎800-grit sandpaper to remove any surface defects or seams from the printed part. When ‎finished, be sure to remove any dust or debris from the object.‎

Option 1: Dip Polishing

  1. Attach a wire or a similar material for suspending the prints after post-processing ‎is complete.‎‎

  2. Dip the printed pattern in isopropyl alcohol for 5-10 seconds. This can be done ‎multiple times for a stronger polishing effect.‎‎

  3. Suspend the print and allow it to dry for 20-30 minutes. Steps 1-4 may be ‎repeated, if needed.

  4. Place the part in a vacuum, or in a convection oven set at 40°C for one hour. This ‎will ensure complete solvent evaporation and surface hardening. (You can also ‎skip this step and allow the print to dry overnight, if preferred.)‎

Option 2: Spray Polishing

  1. Attach a wire or a similar material for suspending the prints after post-processing ‎is complete or place it on a base with a small contact area.‎‎

  2. Spray the surface of the print with isopropyl alcohol.

  3. Allow the print to dry for 20-30 minutes. Steps 1-4 may be repeated, if needed.‎‎

  4. Place the part in a vacuum, or in a convection oven set at 40°C for one hour. This ‎will ensure complete solvent evaporation and surface hardening. (You can also ‎skip this step and allow the print to dry overnight, if preferred.) ‎

Tip: The Polysher, by Polymaker, provides additional smoothing of layer lines in 20-40 ‎minutes, while preserving macroscopic dimensional accuracy. Find it here!‎

Step 3: Parts Tree

The parts tree secures the cup to the part for casting and ensures the metal flows ‎smoothly and evenly into the part. ‎

  1. Attach the part to the cup with wax bars, or sprues, which will serve as channels ‎for metal flow during the casting process. (The part should sit level on the cup for ‎even pouring) Keep bends and twists in the sprues to a minimum, as these have ‎the potential to slow the flow to the part.‎‎

  2. You may wish to attach smaller wax pieces to thinner areas of the part for even ‎flow distribution.‎‎

  3. A small torch may be used on the final assembly to eliminate any holes in the ‎sprues or the parts tree itself.‎

Step 4: Ceramic Dipping

The ceramic shell will serve as the final mold for casting once the printed material has ‎vaporized during the burnout process. ‎

  1. Create the mold by alternately immersing the parts tree in a ceramic slurry and an ‎extremely fine silica compound. Care should be taken to make sure the part is ‎neatly and evenly coated during both steps, and that no gaps are present.

  2. The number of times this process will need to be repeated varies. Generally, at ‎least 5 coats are recommended, and for parts with intricate structures, 7-9 coats ‎are recommended to prevent damage to the shell during casting.‎‎

  3. It is important to let each coat completely dry before repeating this step. Once ‎the shell has reached desired thickness (approximately .3.75 in, or 9.525 mm on ‎average), it is ready for burnout. ‎

Step 5: Burnout

The burnout process serves to both sinter, or harden, the ceramic shell, and to burn out ‎the printed material inside to create the mold.‎

  1. Place the coated parts tree assembly in a kiln or furnace, cup side down. ‎Generally, the shell will be heated to around 1100-1200°C for approximately 40-‎‎60 minutes. ‎(Note: The exact time and temperature will be determined by the type of furnace ‎or kiln used, and by the specific metal part that will be produced.) ‎‎

  2. After the printed material has burned off, allow the shell to cool completely.‎

Step 6: Casting

The shell is prepared and pre-heated to accept the molten metal for casting.‎

  1. If there is any ash or debris remaining in the shell after burnout, rinse the inside of ‎the shell before proceeding to the next step. ‎‎

  2. Pre-heat the shell for pouring by placing it in the kiln. Temperatures may vary, ‎although generally they will be around 550-1100 °C.

  3. Pour the molten metal into the shell while the shell is still hot. The metal will flow ‎through the sprues and into the mold cavity. The mold and casting will cool and ‎contract at the same rate, creating a part with excellent dimensional accuracy.‎‎

  4. Allow the metal to cool and solidify completely. Some castings may take longer to ‎solidify than others depending on the material used and the thickness of the part.‎

Step 7: Cleanup

The part is removed from their ceramic shells and the sprues are removed, preparing it ‎for its final finishing. ‎

  1. After the part has completely cooled, it is ready to be removed from the ceramic ‎mold. The mold can be broken down and removed from the part manually, or with ‎other methods like pneumatic jacks or water jets.

  2. Remove the sprues from the part. This can be achieved with sawing, cutting, ‎sanding, or by using a plasma cutter.‎

Step 8: Patina

The desired finish will depend on the material used and the part’s intended purpose. For ‎some materials, a patina works well. For others, a protective coating to guard against ‎corrosion is all that will be necessary. For reference purposes, we will address the two ‎materials used in the video included with this tutorial. ‎

  1. For bronze parts, apply a coating of sulphurated potash. After baking in another ‎oven , add a coat of ferric iron, followed by a layer of sealant to preserve the ‎finish.‎‎

  2. For steel parts, especially those that will be used for functional prototypes, a coat ‎of protective sealant is all that will be needed.

制造商零件编号 KT-PR0047NA
制造商零件编号 KT-PR0051NA
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