

Golioth is a device-first, cloud platform designed to help modern engineering teams streamline IoT development—from prototype to production at scale. Our applications team helps engineers get booted up quickly and build connected products from day-one.

Designers can build on their preferred stack with Golioth’s hardware-agnostic device SDK. We allow users to choose the right hardware for their use case with over 100+ compatible boards and growing. Provisioning and secure connections are possible with certificate-based authentication. Users are encouraged to develop on Zephyr® RTOS , FreeRTOS™, Espressif ESP-IDF, Infineon ModusToolbox™, or port to their own stack.

Once devices have connected and synced to the cloud over a secure efficient channel, they can enjoy features such as Remote Procedure Call (remotely call and execute code on devices from the cloud), Device Settings (configure and sync settings and environment variables to your device), and Efficient Communication (save on data and power with CoAP device-to-cloud communication by default).

After device telemetry and logs have been ingested, users can store device data in time series or real-time databases with digital twin. Get insights into the status of your devices with device telemetry and configurable logs. Send device data anywhere including cloud providers, databases or custom webhooks.

As fleets grow, users can manage entire production fleets remotely from a single pane of glass. Provision, tag, configure, and repurpose your devices. Secure Over-the-Air (OTA) updates from anywhere with MCUBoot, so even secure boot enabled devices just work. Add thousands of devices without stressing about performance, load, or reliability issues.

  • Rapid Prototyping
  • C/C++
  • Cloud Services
  • Internet Security
  • RTOS
  • Block Level System Design and Integration
  • Communication Systems
  • Agriculture
  • Automotive
  • Consumer
  • Energy
  • Food and Beverage
  • Industrial
  • IoT
  • Marine
  • Medical
  • Telecommunications
  • Transportation
    • Infineon
    • NXP
    • Nordic
    • NXP


    548 Market St, PMB 73345, San Francisco CA 94104, USA
    Brian Rucker
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