Insulation Systems

Signal Transformer's insulation systems help to maintain acceptable temperatures on electronic components during operation.

3-Phase Transformers

A transformer is an electrical device which, by electromagnetic induction, transforms power between circuits at the same frequency, usually changing the values of voltage and current.

Inductors, Chokes, Reactors, Filters… What’s in a name?

These ubiquitous terms are familiar to most engineers and are typically used interchangeably. Fundamentally they’re all the same but their electro-magnetic characteristics are optimized for different operations.

Controlling EMI in Power Transformers

The purpose of this document is to identify the ways through which Power Transformers conduct and radiate electromagnetic energy emissions which might cause device failures in equipment and systems containing sensitive electronic components.

UL Class 2 vs. IEC Class II and UL Class 3 vs. IEC Class III

This article explains the unique attributes that define Class 2, Class 3, Class I, Class II, and Class III transformers while clarifying similarities, differences and applications.

Transformer Basics

Signal Transformer's article titled "Transformer Basics".

Caging Transformer: EMI Still An Important Design Issue

This article explains why EMI is still an important design issue when dealing with electronic components.

Prescribing Transformer for Medical Electronic Systems

Medical systems are designed according to extremely demanding requirements.

Specifying Transformer for Medical Applications

While military requirements for the design of electronic systems are generally considered the most rigorous, standards for medical electronic devices are just as stringent.

Understanding Transformer Standards At Home and Abroad

There is a lot of confusion about how UL applies its standards to equipment and components.