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Sensirion and XMOS New Product Discoveries Episode 26
Sensirion and XMOS New Product Discoveries Episode 26

近期 PTM

5 minutes
XVF3510 Voice Capture VocalFusion Dev Kit
This presentation will provide an overview of the dev kit, which is a two-mic far field voice interface solution optimised for smart TVs, set-top box and smart home devices. It will introduce the key features and benefits and provide a guide on how to get started.


XMOS 是一家处于智能物联网前沿的深度科技半导体公司,可满足不断变化的市场对灵活计算的需求,能够服务于消费、工业和汽车主要支柱行业中日益广泛的智能设备。该公司独特灵活的 xcore® 处理器能够让产品设计人员轻松地仅以软件方式构建片上系统解决方案,实现系统差异化,从而以经济高效、节能的方式获得更快的上市速度。