• Preferred Supplier

Newhaven Display, Intl.



1.8" and 1.91 Color OLED Displays
1.8" and 1.91 Color OLED Displays
2.4" IPS LCD TFT Displays (Product overview)
2.4" IPS LCD TFT Displays (Product overview)
3.5” IPS MIPI DSI Displays (Product Overview & Demo)
3.5” IPS MIPI DSI Displays (Product Overview & Demo)
2.7" Graphic OLEDs with Capacitive Touchscreen
2.7" Graphic OLEDs with Capacitive Touchscreen

近期 PTM

10 minutes
LCDs Vs OLEDs Character and Graphic Display
This presentation will compare LED technology and OLED technology.
5 minutes
HDMI TFT Modules
This presentation will give an overview of the 12 HDMI TFT Modules.
5 minutes
EVE2 TFT Module
An overview of Newhaven's EVE2 TFT modules, including their key features and main applications.
10 minutes
7.0" Inch BeagleBone Cape
The BeagleBone community provides all levels of engineers with the resources they need to begin development
5 minutes
4.3 inch Arduino Shield
Arduino Shields provide any level of engineer with the ability to effortlessly develop with either capacitive or resistive touch.
5 minutes
2x16 Modular OLEDs
2x16 Modular OLEDs take the guess work out of OLED development by presenting an easy-to-implement module design

关于 Newhaven Display, Intl.

Newhaven Display 为北美市场提供从 LCD 到 VFD 的高性价比、优质显示设备。除了我们庞大的标准件产品外,我们还为所有行业提供开发定制设计。我们很自豪能够提供一流的客户支持和开发协助。

所有产品均在我们的美国伊利诺伊州埃尔金仓库现货供应。营销通过全国网络而展开,独立于销售代表及库存分销商。所有显示器均我们设在中国大陆和台湾合作厂制造。这些合作厂拥有一流的设施、12 年以上的经验,并全部通过 QS-9000、ISO-9001 和 ISO-14001 认证。