
The NuMicro M2354 Enables MCU Chip-Level Security with IoT Security Standards Compliant

The security issues of every network-connected device pose new challenges for system developers. More and more national or regional network security supervision departments have proposed corresponding security standards and regulations.

8/8/2022 7:28:47 PM

Part List

IC MCU 32BIT 1MB FLASH 128LQFPM2354KJFAEIC MCU 32BIT 1MB FLASH 128LQFP1163 - 立即发货$52.79查看详情
IC MCU 32BIT 1MB FLASH 48LQFPM2354LJFAEIC MCU 32BIT 1MB FLASH 48LQFP635 - 立即发货$37.58查看详情
IC MCU 32BIT 1MB FLASH 64LQFPM2354SJFAEIC MCU 32BIT 1MB FLASH 64LQFP181 - 立即发货$52.05查看详情