• Preferred Supplier

Superior Sensor Technology


Integrated Pressure Switch Capability
Integrated Pressure Switch Capability
Pressure Sensor Explainer Video for CPAP
Pressure Sensor Explainer Video for CPAP
Multi-Range Technology Explainer Video
Multi-Range Technology Explainer Video

近期 PTM

5 minutes
ND Series Low-Pressure Differential Pressure Sensor Overview
This presentation will introduce this exciting product series, discuss the features and benefits, consider common applications for using the ND Series and review the part numbers and ordering information.

关于 Superior Sensor Technology

Superior Sensor Technology 创立于 2016 年 10 月,其使命是将应用特定型传感器引入工业、医疗和汽车市场。他们认识到行业已为新一波创新做好了准备——更好的整体传感器性能和独特的系统功能,以优化和增强用户体验。创始团队具有丰富的经验,可以为这些充满挑战的市场提供创新的解决方案,并在此过程中打造非常成功的业务。Superior Sensor Technology 选择将其总部设在北加利福尼亚州硅谷地区,不仅要吸引当地的优秀人才,而且可能更重要的是要打造独特的、积极向上的、以客户为中心的企业文化。