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Image of SiTime's On-Demand and Live Classes


SiTime 提供一系列有关其产品基础技术的在线教学课程。

Image of SiTime's Programmable Oscillators


SiTime 可编程振荡器与 DigiKey 的编程服务相结合,可为数百万种频率配置提供较短的交货时间。立即通过 DigiKey 定制您的下一个设计!

Image of SiTime's It's About Time Spotlight


电子部门一直是汽车行业的参与者。Jeff 在这篇博客中讨论了汽车定时解决方案的重要性和新进展。


SiTime的可编程振荡器 | Datasheet Preview
SiTime的可编程振荡器 | Datasheet Preview
SiTime Programmable Oscillators
SiTime Programmable Oscillators
SiTime High-Temperature MEMS Oscillators | DigiKey Daily
SiTime High-Temperature MEMS Oscillators | DigiKey Daily
Top Reasons to Replace Crystals with MEMS Oscillators
Top Reasons to Replace Crystals with MEMS Oscillators

近期 PTM

10 minutes
Elite Super-TCXO
This presentation will explain the unique advantages of Super-TCXOs used in communication and 5G applications.
10 minutes
Differential Oscillators
An overview of differential oscillators and the advantages they offer, including an architectural overview and performance plots of differential oscillators.
5 minutes
MEMS Timing Solutions for Automotive
Discuss the advantages of using MEMS technology for timing in automotive systems and features that help solve difficult timing problems.
5 minutes
8 Reasons to Replace Crystals with MEMS Oscillators
This presentation will teach designers how to leverage the benefits of MEMS oscillators and overcome the limitations of crystals.
5 minutes
Wearable and other applications requiring low power can benefit tremendously from reducing the voltage swing between VOH and VOL.
10 minutes
MEMS Ruggedness over Quartz
This tutorial will compare the performance, stability, and robustness of MEMS oscillators versus quartz oscillators.

关于 SiTime

SiTime Corporation 推出能够替代传统石英产品的硅 MEMS 定时解决方案,颠覆了 60 亿美元的定时产品市场。SiTime 的可配置解决方案能够让客户以更高的性能、更小的尺寸和更好的可靠性实现产品差异化。我们的解决方案功能丰富、灵活性高,使客户能够合并供应链,降低拥有成本并加快上市速度。通过使用标准半导体工艺和大规模塑料封装,SiTime 实现了业内最佳的供货能力和最短的提前期。凭借 90% 的市场份额,SiTime 正在推动电子行业使用 100% 的硅基定时解决方案。


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