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Sensata Technologies


Sensata-Crydom - Series 1 AC Panel Mount Solid State | Datasheet Preview
Sensata-Crydom - Series 1 AC Panel Mount Solid State | Datasheet Preview
PTE7100 系列密封模拟压力传感器 | Datasheet Preview
PTE7100 系列密封模拟压力传感器 | Datasheet Preview
Sensata Technologies PTE7100 Series Hermetic Analog Pressure Sensor | Datasheet Preview
Sensata Technologies PTE7100 Series Hermetic Analog Pressure Sensor | Datasheet Preview
IWTT 温度和 IWPT 无线压力传感器
IWTT 温度和 IWPT 无线压力传感器

近期 PTM

10 minutes
Basics of Functional Safety Applications
Introduction to functional safety, the applicable products Sensata provides, and some application examples.
10 minutes
LP35 Series of Encoders
Introduction to the LP35 Series of Encoders, including key benefits and features, programmability feature, and ideal applications.
5 minutes
PMP Series Proportional Control SSRs
An introduction of Crydom's PMP series Proportional Control SSRs, including key features and benefits, and ideal applications.
10 minutes
Solid State Relays
Crydom's solid state relays including defining SSR, the types of SSRs available, and typical applications.

关于 Sensata Technologies

Sensata Technologies 是全球领先的传感、电气保护、控制和电源管理解决方案供应商之一,在 13 个国家设有运营和业务中心。Sensata 的产品为汽车、家电、飞机、工业、军事、重型车车、加热、通风、空调 (HVAC)、数据、电信、休闲车和船舶应用带来了安全、效率和舒适度,已成为数百万大众生活的一部分。Sensata 提供选择广泛的任务关键型传感器和电气保护器件,为实现更安全、更清洁、更节能的世界助一臂之力。