Reed Semiconductor Corp.

RS31340B 小型电子保险丝
Reed Semiconductor 的 RS31340B 小型 eFuse 保护开关专为工业系统、PCI®/PCIe® 等应用而设计。

RS31385 大电流电子保险丝
Reed Semiconductor 的 RS31385 是一款主动电路保护装置,带有集成 MOSFET,用于在故障状态下将电流和电压限制在安全水平。

RS53317 小尺寸 POL
Reed Semiconductor 的 RS53317 高功率密度、全集成同步降压转换器可支持最大 6 A 的连续输出电流。
关于 Reed Semiconductor Corp.
Reed Semiconductor is at the forefront of developing innovative solutions for the most challenging power management issues. The name Reed — Robust, Efficient, Eco-friendly, and Dense Power Solutions—reflects our commitment to streamlining power delivery, conserving energy, and reducing both the size and cost of solutions. As AI and High-Performance Computing (HPC) continue to raise power demands, data centers face the challenge of managing dynamic loads while minimizing energy loss. Reed’s innovative solutions address these challenges