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Phoenix Mecano

Image of Phoenix Mecano's Custom Enclosures


DigiKey 与 Phoenix Mecano 联手,可为您提供定制外壳的报价。从概念到完成,为您增值的不仅仅是盒子,包括雕刻、机加工、精加工、喷漆、表面处理、品牌和组装。



Stairworks®、Frameworks® 和 ClampWorks®

Phoenix Mecano 的 Stairworks®、Frameworks® 和 ClampWorks® 适用于广泛的应用。


Rose Bopla 的坚固型防水外壳能够承受恶劣的天气条件和恶劣的环境,而不会出现老化现象。


Rose Bopla 的基本型成品防水压铸铝外壳具有现代时尚外观,并能保持精确容差。

Bocube 系列外壳

Bocube 是 BOPLA 下一代功能丰富的电子设备外壳,有 23 种尺寸,可提供 138 种标准配置。



The RK Rose+Krieger Family of Products
The RK Rose+Krieger Family of Products
From Concept To Completion
From Concept To Completion
Phoenix Mecano
Phoenix Mecano
HMI Is Now Available
HMI Is Now Available

近期 PTM

5 minutes
Ex Polyester Enclosure
This tutorial will review the features and available enclosure sizes from Rose Bopla, as well as the typical applications for the Ex series enclosures.
5 minutes
Stainless Steel Enclosures
Rose Bopla offers a higher grade 316 stainless steel for added corrosion protection.
5 minutes
Fiberglass 02 Enclosures
Glass filled polyester enclosures with captive stainless steel lid screws and a permanently installed polyurethane gasket or removable neoprene gasket.
5 minutes
Streamline Enclosures Introduction
Ergonomic enclosures for portable hand-held devices. The half shells can be assembled allowing it to be adapted to meet individual requirements.
5 minutes
Beluga Handheld Enclosure
Durable and well suited for rugged conditions, the enclosures feature polyamide material and IP65 protection.
5 minutes
“Taguan” Handheld Enclosure
Highlighting the ABS Plastic Taguan handheld enclosures that are ideal for data acquisition and measurement.

关于 Phoenix Mecano

Phoenix Mecano 集团是机柜和工业零部件领域的世界级企业,并且是许多市场的领导者。该公司致力于开发和制造各种利基产品和系统解决方案,在全球拥有约 8,000 名员工。

Phoenix Mecano North America 总部位于马里兰州弗雷德里克市,是瑞士全球巨头 Phoenix Mecano 集团的销售、技术支持和定制制造部门。他们生产工业组件以及各种采用铝(铸造和挤制)、玻璃纤维、聚酰胺、聚碳酸酯、ABS 和不锈钢制成的防水外壳。这些耐用的外壳非常适合用于工业和电子应用,如仪表外壳、模块化桌面、机床控制和手持设备外壳。通过 Rose 工业外壳、BOPLA 电子外壳和 RK Rose+Krieger 产品线,Phoenix Mecano 四十多年来一直引领行业制造创新。

Phoenix Mecano 的目标是成为行业首选供应商,利用其无与伦比的技术专业知识、优质的产品和简化的流程,帮助工程师和设计人员找到更快、更有效的解决方案来应对他们的挑战。公司致力于与各个企业建立长期合作伙伴关系和信任,从而促进与北美和全球工程师的协作参与,以优化下一代产品的开发。