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Pulse Electronics

Image of Yageo's Digital Architecture Passive Components


我们的交互式工具能指导您完成数字架构系统的每一级,包括输入级、谐振开关换器、DC-DC 转换器、数字处理器以及所有的输入和输出。

Image of Yageo's Power Conversion Passive Components


我们的交互式工具能够指导您完成电源转换系统的每一级,包括 EMI 滤波器、功率因数校正器、DC-DC 转换器以及输出滤波器。

Image of Pulse Automotive Solutions


浏览 YAGEO Group 的汽车解决方案,包括专为所有汽车应用而设计的高性能汽车级电阻器、电容器和电感器。


最新产品 特色产品

IATF Current Sense Transformers: PMS9494 Series

The Pulse Electronics PMS9494 EE8 series is an addition to the IATF current sense transformer series for measuring 30 ARMS currents.

适用于金属应用的 Wi-Fi® 天线解决方案

Pulse Electronics TWA422CC01 Wi-Fi® 双频和 SWA425A 三频 Wi-Fi 6/6E/7 柔性 PIFA 天线是高效、多功能且节省空间的解决方案。

2.4 GHz - 2.5 GHz Wi-Fi 和 ISM 贴片天线 - BT25B0150

Pulse BT25B0150 陶瓷贴片内置无线天线设计用于安装在最终用户外壳内。

PulseChip ™ LAN 变压器 - TCxG 系列

Pulse Electronics 表面贴装 PulseChip™ LAN 变压器和扼流圈组合支持高速以太网端口连接。


Tools and Support

Image of YAGEO Basics of RLC Circuits Webinar

Basics of RLC circuits on demand webinar

In this webinar we cover the pros and cons of component technologies, the parasitic effects of resistors, capacitors, and inductors, how to design parasitic effects into a model, and more!


Pulse Automotive Push Pull Isolation Transformers - PMT9085 Series
Pulse Automotive Push Pull Isolation Transformers - PMT9085 Series
High Current Composite Power Inductors PA2241/42/43/44 Series
High Current Composite Power Inductors PA2241/42/43/44 Series
Yageo Group Digital Architecture Passive Components | Datasheet Preview
Yageo Group Digital Architecture Passive Components | Datasheet Preview
High Power Flyback Transformer, EFD15+, PAT6261 Series
High Power Flyback Transformer, EFD15+, PAT6261 Series

近期 PTM

Image of Pulse Electronics, a YAGEO Company's Ethernet Magnetics
5 minutes
AEC-Q200 Ethernet Magnetics
This presentation will give a brief overview of Pulse Electronics, a YAGEO Company's Ethernet magnetics used in automotive communications applications.
Image of Pulse Electronics, a YAGEO Company's Automotive Chipchokes
5 minutes
Automotive Chipchokes
CAN-bus is a standard designed to allow microcontrollers and other devices to communicate with each other within a vehicle without a host computer.
Image of Pulse Electronics, a YAGEO Company's HDBaseT Transformer
5 minutes
HDBaseT™ 5Play™ Magnetics
A technology which allows ultra high definition video, audio content, Ethernet.
Image of Pulse Electronics, a YAGEO Company's Integrated Common Mode and Differential Mode Chokes
5 minutes
Integrated Common Mode and Differential Mode Chokes
Introduction to the theory and benefits of integrating two separate components into a single integrated CMDM magnetic part.
Image of Pulse Electronics, a YAGEO Company's EP13 Plus Optimized Transformer Platform
5 minutes
EP13 Plus Optimized Transformer Platform
The EP13 plus platform allows for a 45% increase in core cross-sectional area and a 68% increase in the usable magnetic flux saturation limit.
Image of Pulse Electronics, a YAGEO Company's Surface Mount Antenna
35 minutes
Surface Mount Antennas
Overview of Ceramic Monopoles, Helical Monopoles, and Ceramic Planar Inverted F Antennas, along with theory of operation, antenna placement, and PCB layout.

关于 Pulse Electronics

Pulse Electronics 是电子元器件合作伙伴,能够为客户提供所需的技术解决方案,帮助客户打造下一代好产品。Pulse 在磁性元件、天线和连接器领域拥有多年的创新历史,能够快速推动产品进入高品质、大批量生产。公司服务于无线和有线通信、电源管理、军事/航空航天和汽车行业。Pulse 也是 IEEE、ATIS、ETSI、HDMI、DSL 论坛、CommNexus 和 MoCA 之类组织的会员。