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Interlink Electronics



VersaPad Touchpad Module

The VersaPad Touchpad Module from Interlink is a USB 2.0 compliant touchpad module intended for integration by OEMs into laptops, military and rugged computers, panel PCs, and medical devices.

High-Precision MicroJoystick

OEM pointing system that delivers simultaneous 360° control of direction and speed at the touch of a fingertip.

USB MicroModule

The USB MicroModule from Interlink is ideal for computer cursor control in rugged mobile computers, hardened keyboards, navigation systems, machine control panels, and other pointing applications.

4-Zone Mouse Sensor

Interlink's 4-zone Force Sensing Resistor (FSR) paired with a suitable actuator can be implemented as a finger-actuated "mouse" pointing module.



Demo of the FSR
Demo of the FSR

近期 PTM

15 minutes
MicroModule Best Practices
Designed for CEM integration and ideal for rugged and industrial mobile computers, hardened keyboards, and other computer pointing applications.
VersaPad Module
5 minutes
VersaPad Best Practices
Versatile, smooth, and sensitive touchpad module used for integration by OEMs into laptops, military and rugged computers, panel PCs, and medical devices.
Force Sensing Resistors
10 minutes
Force Sensing Resistors© Best Practices
Force Sensing Resistors are used in user interfaces and process control applications. View the guidelines and key cautions for successful FSR usage.

关于 Interlink Electronics

Interlink Electronics 是一家全球性创新传感器技术公司,针对从消费电子到便携式医疗器械市场领域的触控解决方案、用户接口和机器过程控制开发出了范围广泛的产品。

Interlink Electronics 首创薄膜 Force Sensing Resistor® (FSR) 技术。利用这项技术,可以测量诸如机器人、智能手机用户接口和机器控制等各种不同应用中的作用力。FSR 技术最初用于电子鼓及其它乐器,该技术经优化后现已用于其它设备,如掌上游戏机、便携式播放器、手机、数码相机、导航设备以及其它电子器件等。

Interlink Electronics 创立于 1985 年,拥有顶级工程和设计团队,并依托设在美国、中国大陆、韩国和日本的办事处向全球客户提供服务。