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Diwell Electronics


最新产品 特色产品

DC/DC 转换器 1 W 至 40 W

Diwell 的 1 W 至 40 W DC/DC 转换器按照标准制造和测试,确保产品的质量、效率和可靠性。

CT-N-CL420 系列温度传感器

DIWELL Electronics 的 CT-N-CL420 系列温度传感器可为各种应用提供非接触式温度测量。

D78B 系列超紧凑型 DC/DC 转换器

Diwell Electronics 的 D78B 系列超紧凑转换器具有 6.5 V 至 32 V 和 9 V 至 18 V 的宽输入范围,遵循严格的制造程序。

CMW 系列 3 W DC/DC 转换器

Diwell Electronics 的 CMW 系列转换器具有 4.2 kVAC 隔离的增强型隔离系统和低于 5 μA 的极低泄漏电流。


关于 Diwell Electronics

DIWELL was established in 2008 and is a continuously growing as an IR sensor company in Korea. We directly conduct product research, manufacturing, and strive to develop products to meet market trends. DIWELL provides sensors that measure a variety of ranges, which are used in fields such as industry, home, automation systems, and medicine. We will meet our customer’s expectations with reasonable prices and fast delivery. Also, we provide you over hundreds of DC/DC converters. Compare a lot of specifications and use the perfect product for you.