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Image of Advantech Device Connectivity


为了让您的设备长期保持通信并顺利集成到新的智能技术中,Advantech 开发出市场上最广泛的串行转换、隔离、数据保护和 USB 连接产品系列。这些即插即用产品坚固可靠,可在最恶劣的条件下持续提供稳定的性能。

Image of Advantech Network Connectivity


Advantech 将诸如时间敏感网络 (TSN)、5G 和 Wi-Fi 6 等先进传输技术与现有的 Modbus、现场总线和以太网功能相结合,为您的下一代工业网络提供智能化连接。

Image of Advantech Industrial Automation


Advantech 的智能工厂解决方案能够连接未连接的传统系统并从中提取数据,计算数据并将其可视化,以实现智能化运营管理和数据驱动型数字制造转型。


Powering Edge Intelligence WISE- EdgeLink Introduction
Powering Edge Intelligence WISE- EdgeLink Introduction
Advantech EPC-R3720 Windows on Arm Development Kit - Unboxing | DigiKey
Advantech EPC-R3720 Windows on Arm Development Kit - Unboxing | DigiKey
Advantech ADAM-6700 Series | Datasheet Preview
Advantech ADAM-6700 Series | Datasheet Preview
WOP-200K XGA/SVGA 操作面板 | Datasheet Preview
WOP-200K XGA/SVGA 操作面板 | Datasheet Preview

近期 PTM

10 minutes
ICAM-500 Series Industrial AI Camera Development Kit
This presentation will explain what Advantech's ICAM-500 series industrial AI camera is and what makes it stand out versus competitors.
5 minutes
ABDNA and WLNNA Series
This presentation will give a product introduction, key features, specifications, and focus market for the WLNNA and ABDNA Series - Wi-Fi Dual Band Embedded Module and Ethernet Bridge/Router.
10 minutes
NVidia® Jetson Orin™ MIC Solution and Development Kits
This presentation will introduce the specifications and features of Advantech's NVidia® Jetson Orin™ MIC solution and development kits and their target markets.
5 minutes
Battery Energy Storage System BESS Solutions
This presentation will introduce the features, and advantage of using Advantech’s solution in BESS.
10 minutes
Windows on Arm® Development Kit
This training will introduce and provide details on Advantech's Windows on Arm® development kit to assist in creating applications in Windows on Arm.
10 minutes
ADAM-6717SK Intelligent I/O Gateway Starter Kit
This presentation will introduce Advantech's ADAM-6717SK starter kit and demonstrate the ADAM-6717 functions.

关于 Advantech

Advantech 创立于 1983 年,是提供值得信赖的创新型嵌入式和自动化产品和解决方案的行业领导者。Advantech 提供全面的系统集成、硬件、软件、以客户为中心的设计服务以及全球物流支持;所有这些背后依托的是行业领先的前端和后端办公室电子商务解决方案。Advantech 一直是开发和制造高品质、高性能计算平台的创新者。Advantech 与合作伙伴密切合作,相互帮助,为各种不同行业的广泛应用提供完整的解决方案。为实现“创造智能地球”的公司愿景,Advantech 将继续合作,携手提供智能城市和物联网解决方案。