The output of the anemometer is connected to a pin that is selected by the user to be the analog input by configuring the select bits of the ADCSC1 register. Here, PTA0/ADP0 is selected to be the analog input by having 00000 as the last five bits of ADCSC1 register. The S08 MCU uses a 10-bit resolution ADC, which can be configured to give either an 8-bit or a 10-bit right justified result. In this design, a 10-bit operation is used by configuring a 102 as the MODE bits in the ADCCFG register. After the output of the anemometer is converted into data, the results will be stored in ADCRH and ADCRL registers. The ADCRH contains the upper two bits and ADCRL contains the lower eight bits of a 10-bit conversion data. The design utilizes a 16X1 LCD to display the wind speed readings. The internal clock source of the MCU is used in this design. The user can configure this by setting a 012 for the CLKS bits of the ICSC1 register.
The project is useful as a measurement tool and can give accurate results. Anemometers are usually combined with other weather instruments such as vane, thermometer, pressure gauge and water gauge to produce more useful data for different kind of applications.
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