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The STRADA Whisper product family operates with extremely low noise, low insertion loss and little to no skew—all of which provide system architects with design flexibility and high design margin. Specific versions are available for 100- Ohm and 85-Ohm applications so you don't have to compromise on impedance discontinuities. Mechanically, the STRADA Whisper connector family mirrors most high-speed backplane connectors in the market for easy implementation. It differentiates itself through folded signal pins surrounded by strong, protective C-shaped shields, which make the product family one of the most robust offerings in the market. Additionally, the connector footprint keeps crosstalk down and the overall connector design uses latest eye-of-needle (EON) technology.
Strada Whisper Backplane covers a wide variety of applications in the field of data communication. It is a very innovative technology to keep up with the world's continuous demand for higher bandwidth and higher data speed.
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