设计启动器件 可为您的下一个设计提供一个良好的开端。无论您希望开始设计无线充电平台,还是快速设计低功耗蓝牙模块,我们的设计启动器件都能帮您快速上手。
DigiKey 与诸多行业领导厂家合作,可让您灵光闪现、创意涌动;这些启动器件是理想的构件,可帮您在弹指间完成设计构思的创建、绘制和记录。This reference design is based on IDT's 9FGV0241 PCI-Express Clock Generator. The 9FGV0241 belongs to the series of Very Low Power PCI-Express clocking devices of IDT. It is a 2-output clock generator suitable for PCI-Express Gen 1, 2 and 3 applications. It features 2 output enables for clock management and supports 2 different spread spectrum levels in addition to spread off. It operates out of an 1.8V power supply with a typical power consumption of less than 50mW.
This design features a low power wideband RF synthesizer that is used in GSM receiver cards. It has dual differential and open drain outputs with frequency range of 34.375MHz to 4400MHz(in continuous range). The logic compatibility is 1.8V while the the system is running on a single 3.3V supply. It has -143dBc/Hz Phase Noise (PN) performance at 1MHz Offset for every 1.1GHz output. It is also capable of mute function at RF_OUT that is accessible via mute pin or SPI command. It is low power with only 380mW average power consumption while RF_OUTB is not in used.
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