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Enhanced Power Rating

This slide compares continuous power dissipation ratings of RCL series parts with those of standard thick-film resistors which have approximately the same chip size in further detail. As shown in the table and chart above, RCL series parts are specified to withstand continuous power dissipation of two or more times that allowed for standard thick-film chip resistors of the same or similar size. For example, while a standard geometry 1206 size thick-film chip resistor may only dissipate 0.25 W, the RCL0612 (which is the same size except that it has terminations on the long sides of the part) can handle up to 1 W (four times as much). With a power rating of 1 W, the RCL0612 size is capable of replacing larger standard 1210, 2010, or 2512 size resistors. While a standard geometry 2512 size thick-film chip resistor may dissipate 1 W, the RCL1225 can dissipate up to 2 W. This is possible because of the larger terminations that long side terminations parts have, as previously described.

PTM Published on: 2021-11-01