As shown on this slide, rectifiers for PFC applications have three important parameters; reverse voltage should be greater than 600 V, reverse recovery time should be less than 50 ns, and forward voltage should be less than 1.7 V. Most PFC rectifiers are rated at 5 amps or higher, the most popular range is 10 to 30 A. Most PFC rectifiers are single junction devices. Both surface mount and through-hole packages are used. Many applications do not require small packages, therefore through-hole packages such as TO-220 and TO-247 are popular. Typical SMC Diode Solutions products for PFC applications include SDUR560, MURD1560, SDUR1560, SDUR2060W, SDUR3060W, SDUR6060W, and the newly release PFL1006 series. Applicable device types are easily identified by using the on-line SMC search engine: SMC Ultra Fast.