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In summary, not all LVCMOS outputs need to be terminated, if the trace is greater than a certain length an output termination must be applied to eliminate any type of reflection on the clock signal. The LVCMOS AC termination is the least common termination type, compared to parallel termination it consumes less power, however it requires some customization to work properly. The parallel, or DC, termination, is a common termination for LVCMOS clock signals. Careful consideration is necessary when selecting the power supply as noisy power supplies can couple through and propagate throughout the entire timing tree. The series, or source, termination is the most popular because of the minimal component count and easy calculation. Level translation terminations are used in LVCMOS buffers with a high output count. They ease power supply routing to the main buffer and aid in component count reduction. 

PTM Published on: 2016-06-24