R BMS-F Fixed Firmware

The RTK0EF0163DK00002BU and RTK0EF0136DK00002BU with R BMS-F are fixed firmware solution for Renesas FGICs

Image of Renesas R BMS-F Fixed FirmwareThe Renesas R BMS-F is a fixed firmware solution for battery management that includes an evaluation board and GUI, providing a total battery solution for protections and state of charge management. R BMS-F enables rapid development by eliminating the need for firmware knowledge and debugging.

RTK0EF0163DK00002BU is an R BMS-F fixed firmware solution that runs on a Renesas RAJ240055 for two to four-cell solutions.

RTK0EF0136DK00002BU is an R BMS-F fixed firmware solution that runs on a Renesas RAJ240100/RAJ240090 for three to ten-cell solutions.

  • Total battery monitor protection, monitor, and gauging firmware solution
  • Kit includes board, IC, cables, GUI, and firmware
  • Battery-fixed data can be flexibly entered and written to Flash
  • RTK0EF0163DK0002BU: 2S-4S battery solution utilizing RAJ240055 FGIC
  • RTK0EF0136DK0002BU: 3S-10S battery solution utilizing RAJ240100 FGIC
  • Voltage, temperature, and current measurement
  • Overvoltage (OV), undervoltage (UV), overtemperature (OT), undertemperature (UT), overcurrent (OC), and short circuit (SC) protections all included
  • RSOC, FCC, and RC calculation
  • High-side FET control
  • E-bikes, vacuum cleaners, and robotics
  • Most Li+ batteries 3S-10S
  • Most Li+ batteries 2S-4S

RTK0EF0163DK0002BU with R BMS-F Fixed Firmware

RAJ240055 EVAL KITRTK0EF0163DK0002BURAJ240055 EVAL KIT0 - 立即发货
1 : ¥882.76

RTK0EF0136DK0002BU with R BMS-F Fixed Firmware

RAJ240090/100 EVAL KITRTK0EF0136DK0002BURAJ240090/100 EVAL KIT10 - 立即发货
1 : ¥882.76
发布日期: 2025-03-24