The circuit design features four copies of Low Power HCSL (LP-HCSL) outputs and three Universal Differential Outputs capable of generating any output frequency using IDT Timing Commander Software. The board is connected to a PC through a USB connector for configuring and programming the device. The USB interface will provide +5V power supply to the board, from which on-board voltage regulators generate various voltages for the core as well as for each output. The board can also be powered by a bench power supply by connecting two banana jacks for output and core voltages, respectively.
The 5P49V5907 clock generator is designed for high performance operation. This is majorly used on networking, industrial, computing, and data communication applications. The configurations can be stored in on-chip One-Time Programmable (OTP) memory and/or can be reconfigured using I2C interface. Also, the frequencies are generated from a single reference clock or crystal.
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