The design is comprised of MC33879APEK configurable octal serial switch with open load detect current disable and incorporates SMARTMOS technology. It is used to control the dc motors that are interfaced to the system. The 5V supply and VBAT are provided with capacitor filters. The dc motors are placed to the different parts of the robot. The platform revolute is installed at the surface so the robotic arm itself can rotate horizontally (azimuth movement). The arm revolute is installed directly above the platform so the robot can rotate vertically (elevation movement). The horizontal and vertical clipper serves as the fingers of the robot that will have direct contact to the target object. The MCU or microcontroller unit is used as a host controller of the system and it also processes the robot data input/output.
The design is applicable to robotic development with design considerations. It is applicable to different types of dc motors assuming that the power requirements are met. The design is flexible that only few modifications required so it can be used for other applications.
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