The 8T49N241/8T49N242 femtoclock UFT IC handles the generation of output frequencies that range from 8kHz to 1GHz. It can provide up to four unique output frequencies that are completely independent to its inputs and to each other. The voltage dividers and capacitor filters are used to prevent different forms of noise and undesired signals. A dual USB to serial UART/FIFO IC is used to provide communication between USB to I2C interface, which can also be used to access the UFT IC and a serial EEPROM that can store configurations and other related data. The circuit also uses some ferrite chip to suppress the amount of high frequency electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise found in electronic circuits. The general purpose diodes serve as references while LEDs are used as indicators.
The design is applicable to different types of electronic communication system devices such as wireless base station baseband units, carrier ethernet switches, ethernet network line cards, and other related products. It is also useful to the development of telecommunication devices in which it deals frequency translation. The design itself can be used as a reference to build more sophisticated devices.
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