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WiFi Temperature Sensor featuring 4Duino-24

2016-10-14 | By 4D Makers

License: None Arduino


In this project we will quickly create a ‘temperature monitor’ that measures the ambient temperature of a room or an outdoor space. The temperature is measured by TMP35 temperature sensor and is displayed on the 4Duino screen. The data is also sent to Thingspeak IoT platform which enables data logging over a period of time.

How it works

WiFi Temperature Sensor featuring 4Duino-24


  • 4Duino
  • TMP 35 Temperature sensor
  • Bread Board
  • Jumper cables
  • µSD cable
  • Micro USB cable


Step 1: Build

Build the circuit as shown in the following diagram and schematic.

WiFi Temperature Sensor featuring 4Duino-24

Create yourself a ThingSpeak account at

  • Create a new channel
    WiFi Temperature Sensor featuring 4Duino-24
  • Get the channel API Key under channel settings / API Keys. This key will be later added in to your 4Duino code.

WiFi Temperature Sensor featuring 4Duino-24

  • Setup your Channel fields as below

WiFi Temperature Sensor featuring 4Duino-24

Step 2: Program

Workshop 4 – 4Duino Extended Graphics environment is used to program this project.

This project requires the Arduino IDE to be installed as Workshop calls the Arduino IDE for compiling the Arduino sketches. The Arduino IDE however is not required to be opened or modified to program the 4Duino.

WiFi Temperature Sensor featuring 4Duino-24

Open this file using Workshop 4.

Simply change the SSID and the PASSWORD to suit your router, on both the program.

WiFi Temperature Sensor featuring 4Duino-24

Enter your API key for the channel you wish to use.

WiFi Temperature Sensor featuring 4Duino-24

Step 3: Comms Port

Connect the 4Duino to the PC using µUSB cable.

Then navigate to the Comms tab and select the Comms port to which the 4Duino connected.

Step 4: Compile and Upload

Finally, go back to “Home” tab and now click on the “Comp’nLoad” button.

The Workshop 4 IDE will prompt you to insert a µSD card to the PC in order to save the widget images. Insert µSD card, select the appropriate drive and press button “OK”.

If the µSD card has the widget images you can click button “No Thanks”.

Step 5: Insert µSD card

All you need to do is insert the µSD card you saved the image files to into the 4Duino.

After uploading the program in to the 4Duino, it will try to mount the µSD card. If the µSD card is not present it will print an error message.


You will notice that your 4Duino connects to reads and displays the temperature and meanwhile sends this data to Thingspeak IoT Platform.

WiFi Temperature Sensor featuring 4Duino-24

WiFi Temperature Sensor featuring 4Duino-24

制造商零件编号 4DUINO-24
4D Systems Pty Ltd
制造商零件编号 SK-4DUINO-24
4D Systems Pty Ltd
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