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The Hacksmith: Shocking Security System for a Spy Car

2018-11-15 | By The Hacksmith

License: See Original Project

This project was created by Engineering Superheroes of Hackmith Industries.


The Hacksmith team has been upgrading a MGB MK4 into a spy car over the past few months. So far, the spy car has received upgrades like an ejector seat, rotating license plates, and even a drive-in movie projector. Future upgrades include missile launchers, a jet engine booster, and more! The Arduino-controlled jet engine has already been tested on a motorcycle, which you can read more about on!

The most recent upgrade is meant to protect the car when a James Bond type isn’t around to drive it. In spy movies, characters on all sides spend a lot of time rifling through rooms, desks, computers, and cars for information. Inevitably, the protagonist’s own belongings will be searched by enemies or suspicious parties, and where better to search than the new guy in town’s car? A standard car security system isn’t enough to keep hardened henchmen out, so the MK4 needed to give its door handles some teeth—or, in this case, 40,000 volts. See how it works in the video below!


How Does It Work?

Like the other gadgets in the spy car, the shocking door handle is powered by the car’s 12V DC battery. The original prototype had a long wire hanging off it that connected to the door handle. Since a thick wire clamped to a door handle wouldn’t be very covert, a channel was cut into the door handle to hold the wire, which was smoothed over with plaster and painted over to match the door. The circuit has a trigger switch that corresponds with the door lock, so the door handle is electrified whenever the car is locked.

Stay tuned for more spy car projects on and be sure to subscribe to the Hacksmith VLOGs channel if you’d like updates on these upgrades.

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