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Impression STAMPS & Cylinder SEALS

2023-08-10 | By Lulzbot

License: See Original Project 3D Printer 3D Printing

Courtesy of Lulzbot

Guide by Lulzbot


Dating back to the 4th millennium BC, stamp seals have been used to tell ‎stories, share ideas, portray authority or security, and leave a literal mark ‎throughout history. Through this challenge, students will be able to create ‎their own unique impressions on time by designing and fabricating a stamp or ‎seal of their own!‎


Lesson Overview:‎

Through this lesson, we will consider variety of stamp seals created and used ‎throughout history. From flat stamps that deboss images into clay, to cylinder ‎seals that could be used to tell a tale or short story, or even seals that ‎represent authority as they were used to secure documents of the highest ‎importance.‎

Utilizing an engineering design process, students will research, brainstorm, ‎design, and fabricate their own stamp or seal within a variety of specifications ‎and constraints through a real-world design challenge! With countless ‎examples and forms of stamps to consider, students will be able to create a ‎prototype solution unique to them. Through the activities of this lesson, ‎students will learn how modern rapid-prototyping machinery, such as 3D ‎printers, can be used to recreate ancient technology in the modern millennium! ‎

Through the design process and our discoveries, students will learn how early ‎and ancient technology was used to create stamp seals as we consider how ‎technology has evolved over time. Students will consider the role of an ‎engineer, designer, and creator as they solve this real-world problem with their ‎own unique ideas and interests!‎


Various 3D impression stamps and cylinder seal prototype

examples with a Lulzbot Mini 2 3D Printer

Utilizing an Engineering Design Process:‎

An Engineering Design Process, or design loop, is a method used by scientists, ‎designers, and engineers to develop solutions to our everyday problems. ‎Through a design loop, students will develop skills in problem solving as they ‎brainstorm solutions and work to create a prototype through hands-on ‎activities.

‎Design loops come in many shapes and sizes, but none are ever truly ending. ‎The “last” step of any design loop is redesign, or reflection, where we look at ‎what we’ve learned in our developed prototype to improve upon its design. ‎Not being afraid of failure is a powerful concept that leads to greater success ‎and implementation of problem solving.‎


Lesson Objectives:‎

  • Students will design a stamp or seal that can be used to create an impression ‎through a real-world problem-solving experience‎
  • Students will connect personal interests to create a stamp or seal of their ‎own that reflects existing solutions with a unique and original application
  • Students will utilize an engineering design process to develop their own ‎solutions to a real-world problem
  • Students will utilize computer aided design (CAD) software to create a 3D ‎model that can be produced on a 3D printer‎
  • Students will understand how 3D printers work and how they are used in an ‎industrial setting
  • Students will be able to safely apply prototyping techniques to construct ‎designed solutions to real-world problems


This is a list of materials each student will need to complete this lesson:

  • Pencils, rulers, drawing paper
  • Computer or tablet with Internet access
  • Computer Aided Design (CAD) software‎‎
  • 3D Printer and Filament
  • Assorted non-3D printed materials to include in prototyping such as ink, ‎‎ paint, ink pad, clay, or wax‎
  • Click here for sample models shown throughout this lesson


In addition to this lesson plan, see our One Page Brief [PDF] that can be used to ‎guide students through the lesson. Additional examples as to how this lesson ‎could be modified are:‎‎

  • Additional tools and materials to construct prototypes such as wooden ‎dowels, popsicle sticks, or hot glue to combine with 3D printed parts
  • For younger students, providing a starter 3D model or template to begin with ‎and modify to aid in learning CAD and setting important dimensions (see our ‎stamp block or cylinder seal templates)‎‎
  • For younger students, hand drawn designs can be scanned and converted into ‎vector images, then manipulated in CAD to create unique 3D models
  • Students could design a various assortment of stamps or cylinder seals from ‎clay impressions to ink rollers, wax presses, or even die cutters! Choose ‎constraints to foster creativity and cater to the available resources within your ‎instructional space ‎


Based upon the age of your students, introduce the concepts of product design, ‎historical stamp creation, embossing or debossing, and rapid prototyping ‎techniques using terms and concepts familiar to their prior experiences and ‎needs. ‎

When working with younger students, connecting a design challenge to ‎familiar concepts such as their own name, a made up business, or short story, ‎may further integrate this lesson into existing class projects. Challenging ‎students to make a unique stamp for themselves, or a cylinder seal to tell a ‎personal short story may allow students to be more successful and engaged, as ‎well as better understand overarching concepts and ideas.

‎Proper safety procedures should be introduced to students when working in ‎any makerspace or lab environment. When students are around machines such ‎as 3D printers, or using tools to cut or glue materials, students must be ‎informed of potential hazards and taught how to use these resources safely. ‎For reference, see the safety resources offered by ITEEA. ‎


Opportunities for formative assessments will take place through observations ‎and discussions between students as they interact with the content in this ‎lesson. For summative assessment, we recommend utilizing a rubric to assess ‎how a student was able to apply the engineering design process to solve an ‎open-ended problem. Example Rubric - PDF

Essential Questions:‎‎

  • What purposes have stamp/seals served throughout time?
  • What forms have stamps and seals taken to create different impressions?
  • How can we design a seal to work in a variety of real-world applications?‎‎
  • How can we use technology to design a solution to a real-world problem? ‎


‎‎3D Printed Impression Stamp and Die Cutter example pressed into a modeling ‎compound

Printed on a Lulzbot TAZ SideKick 747 with PLA

Identify the Problem

The Origins of a Stamp SEAL

Dating back to the 4th millennium BC, stamp seals have been used to create ‎impressions into clay for a variety of purposes. Possibly to tell a story, or to ‎write script, or even to act as a signature on a document, stamps have left ‎their mark on history for thousands of years! In the Impression Stamps & ‎Cylinder Seals challenge, students may consider any form of stamp as they ‎design and create their own real-world prototype solution!‎

Traditional stamp seals mark a single image, message, or design by pressing it ‎onto a medium, such as clay through debossing, or a document using ink. This ‎is similar to impression seals that are intended to not only leave an impression, ‎but also create a seal or secure mark. Impression seals have been used to seal ‎envelops using wax, or embossing paper to act as a signature on high profile ‎documents for many years!‎

Cylinder seals do not leave a single mark or image, but instead create an ‎impression strip by rolling a series of images into clay. Dating back as early as ‎‎3500 BC, historical civilizations such as the ancient Mesopotamians used ‎cylinder seals to leave a signature, create jewelry, amulets, other art forms, or ‎even to tell stories through theme-driven impressions! ‎

As we consider these various styles, we must also consider what purpose our ‎stamp seal will serve. Are we designing a device to place our signature onto ‎documents using ink? To leave a message? To tell a short story or tale? Or to ‎seal an important document or secret message more securely? These concepts ‎tie into the real-world topics and themes that impression stamp and seal ‎creators have considered and implemented throughout time!‎

We must also consider how the stamp or seal will function and leave its mark ‎after production. Will it print a message using ink? Or will it leave an ‎impression into clay or wax? These considerations may impact the end result, ‎but also must be considered during the initial stages of brainstorming and ‎throughout the design process. Through these factors and considerations, our ‎students will begin to experience what it is like to be a real-world professional ‎designer as they create their own prototype solutions!‎


Offer examples of stamp and seals and their uses throughout history.‎


  • Students will identify similarities and differences between a variety of ‎stamps and seals
  • Students will consider how stamps and seals have been used throughout ‎time
  • Students will consider what additional resources may be needed to ‎create and use a stamp seal

Teacher Instructions: ‎

Encourage open discussion as students explore how stamps and seals have not ‎only evolved over time, but also their many uses and forms.‎

Create common connections between historical uses for stamps and seals to our modern ‎society. With modern technology and forms of communication, what role could stamps ‎and seals still play today?‎


3D printing a cylinder seal inking stamp using flexible TPE filament‎

Printed on a Lulzbot Mini 2‎

Identify the Problem

For centuries, stamps and seals have been used to share messages, stories, and ‎ideas in the most important of historical situations. In this design challenge, ‎our students will be challenged to create a stamp or cylinder seal of their own ‎design!‎

Specifications and constraints play an important role in a design challenge as ‎they define the limitations and standards that our solution must achieve. In a ‎real-world setting, designers may have constraints that include time, a budget, ‎or even a specific style set by a client’s desires. For our design challenge, you ‎must abide to the following:‎

  • Your stamp or seal must create a unique impression or mark
  • You must also consider application method in your design; how will you ‎interact with and use your stamp or cylinder seal?
  • Your impression must have at least 3 features or shapes‎
  • Your stamp or seal must not exceed 4” in any dimension
  • You have 1 day to brainstorm, 3 days to build, and 1 day to test & evaluate‎


Students will be able to identify the role specifications and constraints play in ‎a ‎real-world design challenge.‎

Teacher Instructions: ‎

There is no one answer to any solution, nor is there one specific set of ‎constraints for any design challenge. See examples for how to adapt and ‎modify the specifications and constraints of this design challenge under the ‎‎“Modifications” and “Considerations” section of the lesson introduction. ‎

Brainstorm Possible Solutions

Why Solutions and Not Solution?‎

The second step of our Engineering Design Process is “Brainstorm Possible Solutions.” A key part of ‎this step is solutions being plural, meaning more than one. Why do designers and engineers think of ‎more than one way to solve a problem?‎

Teacher Instructions:

‎Adapt key phrases, concepts, and terms to best fit your students’ needs. Main idea is there is NEVER ‎any one solution to a problem. If possible, provide an example that relates to your students’ lives, ‎like all of their different shoes, or phones, or video game consoles. Emphasize the importance of ‎variety and why we must, as designers, think of as many ideas as possible.‎


‎Students will obtain a greater understanding of how the engineering design processed is used to ‎solve real-world problems.‎

Brainstorming Our Solutions

As we work to think of different ways to solve this problem, there are a few ‎things we can consider assisting in our design. The first is learning from existing ‎stamp and seal solutions. Take time to research existing stamps, impression ‎seals, or cylinder seals that are similar to the one you plan to design. ‎Remember, your design must be unique in the impression or mark it creates ‎but may be inspired from existing designs. In your search, consider the ‎similarities and differences between existing solutions as you consider what ‎design features you will include in your prototype.‎

After researching existing stamps and seals similar to the one you plan to ‎create, begin to brainstorm different ways you could construct your own stamp ‎or seal under the specifications and constraints of the challenge. When ‎creating a stamp, it is also important you consider the theme, message, or ‎story it will leave. In this, consider if you want to create a simple mark, or ‎leave your signature, or even tell a story. Depending on the complexity of the ‎impression you plan to create, you will need to create a stamp or seal large ‎enough to accommodate your design.‎

Thumbnail sketches are a great way to think of many ideas quickly without ‎getting caught up on the details. Once you’ve completed the thumbnail ‎sketches, narrow your choices down as you create your final design. For your ‎final sketch, create a clear design that is neat and labeled. Consider drawing ‎your design from multiple views (front, top, side, or isometric) to better ‎portray your ideas.‎

Teacher Instructions: ‎

Emphasize coming up with as many ideas as possible as students will tend to ‎want to go with their first idea. Also reiterate the real-world specifications and ‎constraints of the design challenge and ensure students are factoring them into ‎their designed solution. The detail in technical drawings can be modified based ‎on age and prior skill of students, as can resources provided to students in ‎order to support the brainstorming stage. For younger students, consider ‎providing templates for a stamp or cylinder that they can start from as they ‎sketch and design their own. See the “Modifications” and “Considerations” ‎section of the lesson introduction for more examples on how to modify this ‎design challenge to cater to available resources.‎


Brainstorming possible solutions using the LulzLessons Impression Stamps & ‎Cylinder Seals One Page Design brief planning document


  • Thumbnail Sketching Document [PDF]‎
  • Technical Drawing Paper [PDF]‎


  • Students will be able to identify various different types of stamps and ‎seals
  • Students will apply research and brainstorming techniques to develop ‎multiple solutions
  • Students may consider impressing a logo, signature, or a story or using ‎the stamp or seal
  • Students will use technical drawing skills to plan and share their ideas ‎with others

Develop a Prototype

What is 3D Printing?

‎Step 3 of the engineering design process is all about constructing our ‎prototype solution! In this step, we are going to get hands-on with software ‎and machinery to create our final designs.‎

One of the key prototyping machines used by today’s professional designers, ‎engineers, and scientists is a 3D printer. There are a lot of different types of 3D ‎printers out there, but all 3D printers create physical objects you can touch ‎and hold based on a 3D design or digital model. Some 3D printers melt rolls of ‎plastic into the model, while others use light to harden a liquid resin. There are ‎even 3D printers that can print concrete, metal, or living cell tissue! ‎

Lulzbot 3D printers use the fused deposition modeling process (FDM) that feeds ‎and melts spools of plastic through a nozzle, kind of like glue traveling through ‎a hot glue gun. The plastic is fed, or extruded, layer by layer to create the ‎model designed in computer aided design (CAD) software. Once we design our ‎stamp and seal models in CAD software, we will be able to send them to 3D ‎printers to be manufactured! ‎

Developing our 3D Models ‎

Now that we’ve brainstormed our prototype stamp and seal designs, it is time ‎to begin to fabricate them! But before we can 3D print our parts; we need a 3D ‎design. To create this, we will use computer aided design software, or CAD. ‎There’s plenty of great free CAD programs out there, we recommend Tinkercad, ‎FreeCAD, Fusion360, or OnShape for students.‎

For multi-part stamps that have pieces which fit together, as well as cylinder ‎seals that have moving or rolling parts, we must consider dimensions and ‎tolerances in our designs. In CAD software, students can enter accurate ‎dimensions, or measurements, as they create their designs. Tolerances can also ‎be added to the measurements you take to allow for some “wiggle room” ‎between our parts and components. This is important to ensure pieces fit ‎together, stamps fit on ink pads, or cylinder seals fit and roll within their ‎handles!‎

We also want to consider overhangs in our design when creating our stamps ‎and seals. An overhang is an unsupported area that may cave in or fail during ‎the printing process. With our stamps, we want to orient detailed sections, so ‎they are not an overhang, or ensure our impression areas do no intrude or ‎extrude more than 1/8” to ensure they do not fail during production. If an ‎overhang is unavoidable, support material may be added to ensure the design ‎does not fail. Lastly, don’t forget to mirror your images, symbols, and designs! ‎During the printing process, all images will be transferred to the selected ‎medium through stamping, so we must produce our stamps and seals in reverse! ‎Use a flip or mirror tool in CAD to assist.‎


Students will be able to identify how 3D printers work, and how to use them ‎safely.‎

Teacher Instructions: ‎

Introducing and over viewing the resources available for prototyping before ‎beginning construction is key. Make sure your students know what resources ‎are available, as well as how to use them safely. Introduce any additional ‎resources available for prototyping during this step (see Modifications in ‎lesson introduction.)‎


  • Computer or Tablet
  • USB Mouse (Recommended)
  • ‎CAD Software & Guiding Tutorials


Students will utilize CAD Software to create a 3D model of their designed ‎solutions.‎

Teacher Instructions:

Students may better understand the purpose of CAD after being initially ‎introduced to rapid prototyping production machinery. For beginners, ‎experimentation is key when learning the basics of CAD software. Encourage ‎patience and offer tutorials or techniques to support learners. Working with a ‎USB mouse often makes CAD easier to use.‎


A hand drawn signature design was scanned and converted to a vector image ‎so it could be manipulated

in Tinkercad and turned into a 3D stamp model ‎using the stamp block template


‎Example Ink Stamp printed with flexible TPE pad with a rigid handle printed using ‎PLA

Printed on a Lulzbot Mini 2‎

Develop a Prototype


Once students have completed their designs, it’s time to download and prepare ‎them to use Cura. Cura is not a CAD program in that it allows you to design ‎your models. Instead, Cura “slices” models’ layer by layer to create a program ‎file, or Gcode file, for the 3D printer to read. This Gcode file is a set of ‎directions that the 3D printer follows as it prints your model. ‎

In general, we recommend PLA filament for most classroom uses as it’s a safe ‎plastic to print in schools and prints easily in nearly any setting. PLA works ‎well for most applications, but you may also want to consider TPU or TPE ‎filament to create flexible parts for stamps and seals. LulzBot 3D printers are ‎able to print countless types of rigid and flexible filaments right out the box!

‎In addition to choosing the type of filament, we also must choose our printing ‎detail, or layer height. The smaller the layer height, the smoother and higher ‎detail our models will be. In general, printing at the high speed or standard ‎detail setting will allow for student designs to be printed quickly and at an ‎effective quality. Printing stamps and seals with designs that are too small, or ‎models at too high of a resolution may result in a poor impression being left ‎during use. ‎

Additionally, if you students have any overhangs in their designs, you should ‎consider support material. Support material is automatically drawn by Cura to ‎fill any gaps or structural flaws to ensure our prints do not cave in or fail ‎during production. After the model is printed, supports can be carefully ‎removed by peeling it off of the model, but this can be difficult to do in small ‎areas. In the custom settings panel, you can adjust overhang angle, support ‎material density, and selected areas to ensure only the parts that need support ‎material are being supported. This may not only save time in printing and ‎reduce filament used, but also offer easier post-production processing for your ‎students. ‎

You may also want to consider bed adhesion settings when printing smaller ‎models or a model with little surface area contacting the bed. Skirt is the ‎default setting in Cura Lulzbot Edition which works well for most instances, but ‎choosing Brim will print a removable perimeter around a smaller model that ‎may offer better bed adhesion and print quality for delicate prints. ‎

Constructing our Prototypes

In the final part of this stage in the engineering design process, we must ‎construct our prototypes after all parts have been 3D printed. Depending on ‎available resources and the specifications and constraints of the challenge, this ‎step may involve assembling 3D printed parts together, creating handles for ‎our cylinder seals, or preparing ink pads or other needed resources. Time will ‎vary based on how many materials and resources students have to build with. ‎

Remember, proper safety procedures should be introduced to students when ‎working in any makerspace or lab environment. When students are around ‎machines such as 3D printers, or using tools to cut or glue materials, students ‎must be informed of potential hazards and taught how to use these resources ‎safely. For reference, see the safety resources offered by ITEEA.‎


Students will understand how 3D models designed in CAD are prepared and ‎sent to 3D printers for manufacturing. ‎

Teacher Instructions: ‎

Depending on your student age group and classroom resources, the teacher ‎may need to slice the models for the students. Ensure proper settings are ‎chosen for selected filament and model quality. Reference LulzBot guides and ‎tutorials for assistance.‎


Materials and tools for prototype construction.‎


Students will use available resources and apply proper safety techniques to ‎construct their prototype solutions.‎

Teacher Instructions: ‎

Available resources and additional materials will vary based upon the ‎specifications and constraints of the design challenge. Consider offering ‎wooden dowels, popsicle sticks, cardboard, hot glue, and other general ‎resources for students to enhance stamps and cylinder seals in an open-ended ‎design challenge. For more examples, see the “Modifications” and ‎‎“Considerations” sections in the lesson introduction. ‎

Safety is key. Ensure all students have been trained to use any available tools ‎or resources and organize your room to ensure these resources can be ‎monitored accordingly. ‎


Choosing custom support material settings ‎in the Cura LulzBot Edition application


Assembling a flexible stamping block into a rigid stamp handle after printing in multiple parts

Printed on a LulzBot Mini 2‎

Test and Evaluate

Stamp It!‎

In this stage of the design process, it is time to get hands-on with our designed ‎prototype solutions in order to determine their effectiveness and success!

‎Depending on the type of stamp or seal created, testing and evaluation steps ‎may vary from student to student. For impression stamps or rolling cylinder ‎seals, modeling compounds or clay allow for students to create impressions ‎with ease, as well as recycle material to reset and make multiple attempts. ‎Creating wax impressions or ink prints are also an engaging real-world ‎application with numerous opportunities for cross-curricular connections to be ‎made! In a hands-on activity like this, students may need to make multiple ‎attempts and practice their technique to create the best possible result. Have ‎ample materials prepared and prepare students accordingly.

‎During this stage, students should record the successes and failures of their ‎prototype solution in order to obtain constructive feedback as we engage in ‎this real-world exercise. Offer examples of constructive feedback, as well as ‎things to consider and how they should record their results, so students know ‎what to look for, as well as what the expectations are. ‎

Collaborate and Share What We’ve Learned

After the real-world testing stages have concluded, have students review the ‎impressions and designs they created, as well as the feedback obtained. ‎Challenge students to consider the following questions:

  • What design/impression did you choose to create with your stamp / seal?
  • Did your stamp/seal function as intended?
  • Is the design/impression created clear and recognizable?‎‎
  • What were some challenges you faced when using your prototype solution?
  • Consider other stamps and seals we’ve learned about throughout history, ‎what inspired your design and how is your solution similar or different to them?‎

These guiding questions may allow for students to consider the successes of ‎their designed solutions as well as areas that can be improved upon in a more ‎meaningful manner. Consider offering opportunities for open class discussion ‎as students reflect upon the things they liked about each other’s stamps and ‎seals. ‎

Emphasize that there is no one way to solve any problem, as we discovered in ‎the early stages of this lesson when looking at the different types of stamps ‎and seals available. Each student found their own unique way to solve this ‎problem!‎


Planning document, notebook, or Post It notes to record findings and ‎discoveries during testing stages of the design process.‎


Students will apply the engineering design process as they test the ‎performance of both their own stamps and seals, as well as the solutions ‎created by their peers in a real-world setting.‎

Teacher Instructions: ‎

Challenge students to think critically as they compare their designed solutions ‎to the identified problem at hand, as well as existing solutions. Remind ‎students that these are PROTOTYPES, not finished models and that failure or ‎room for improvement is expected and GOOD when designing solutions to real-‎world problems. ‎


Planning document or notebook to record results. ‎


Students will apply the engineering design process as they evaluate their ‎prototypes in a real-world setting.‎

Teacher Instructions:

Create connections between the constructed prototype solutions to stamps ‎and seals out in the real-world. Encourage students to think critically as to ‎how their prototypes compare to professional designs. ‎


An example impression seal used to seal an envelope using wax

Printed on a Lulzbot Mini 2 using PLA


Example cylinder seal and rolling handle pressed into modeling compound

Printed on a Lulzbot TAZ SideKick 747


No design is perfect, nor is it ever truly finished. As new technology is ‎developed, improvements like cost, speed, performance, or aesthetics can ‎always be made. When considering redesign, we must look at both the ‎successes and failures of our prototypes. A failed design does not mean we ‎failed; it means we have room to improve upon for the next prototype solution. ‎

Consider findings from testing and evaluating your stamp / seal solution, as ‎well the feedback obtained through making multiple attempts. What worked ‎well? What could be improved? Create a sketch of an improved stamp / seal ‎design with changes you would make to allow your prototype to better meet ‎the evaluation criteria and solve our real-world problem. Your sketch should ‎be neat and label the changes you are making to improve your solution’s ‎performance.‎


Planning document or Drawing Paper [PDF]‎


Students will utilize the engineering design process to reflect and improve ‎upon their designs as they create a proposed redesigned solution.‎

Teacher Instructions: ‎

Stress the importance of failure in design and engineering. No one enjoys ‎failing, or not doing well, but the redesign step is a chance to reflect on both ‎the good and bad of our designed solutions. Additionally, we can use ‎observations made from other solutions as we create a proposed redesign with ‎everything we’ve learned. ‎

Drawn and written redesign activities both work well with varying learning ‎styles, we recommend a combination of the two. If time permits, students may ‎use CAD to make a 3D model of their redesigned solution or even attempt to ‎create a new solution entirely.‎


Example Impression stamp and cylinder seal prototypes pressed and cut into ‎modeling compounds

Printed on a Lulzbot TAZ SideKick 747 using PLA

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