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Computer Vision Controlled RC Car with a Beaglebone Black

2022-06-10 | By Fredy Martinez

License: Public Domain BeagleBone

This was a group project under the name of WALL-EE as part of an upper-level EE course. Group members consisted of Elijah Schwartz, Juan Cano Duenas, Nayana Chandrashekara Sharma, and Fredy Martinez.

We made an autonomous, lane-following RC car by modifying existing Python code for use with the Beaglebone Black. We used two of the BeagleBone's PWM pins to adjust the throttle and steering of the RC car. For lane tracking, we used OpenCV to detect lane edges and adjusted the trajectory of our car appropriately.

To utilize a wide range of steering values, we used a proportional-derivative (PD) controller to adjust our car's steering angle by changing the PWM value according to how much its trajectory deviated from the path. We resized our frame to 60x40 pixels to improve our car's reaction times. We used a small proportional gain to minimize overcorrections in the steering.

On top of this, we also added some exciting new features! Every third frame, we used OpenCV's masking tools to detect only red HSV values in our frames. We then divided the number of red pixels by the total number of pixels to see the percentage of red in the frame. If enough red is detected, our car will recognize it as a stop sign or stop light and come to a stop, restarting after five seconds. This is how we have handled the two stop signs and red traffic lights in the project.


RC Car with a Beaglebone Black


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code modifed from User raja_961, Autonomous Lane-Keeping Car Using Raspberry Pi and OpenCV. Instructables. URL:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import sys
import time
import Adafruit_BBIO.PWM as PWM

#Initialize throttle
throttlePin = "P9_16" #check reference pic to locate
PWM.start(throttlePin, 7.5, 50)
#Initialize steering
steeringPin = "P9_14" #check reference pic to locate
PWM.start(steeringPin, 7.5, 50)

#Steering info
#duty cycle < 7.5 => right
#duty cycle = 7.5 => straight
#duty cycle > 7.5 => left
#PWM.set_duty_cycle(steeringPin, duty_cycle)

#Throttle info
#duty cycle = 7.5 => stop
#duty cycle > 7.5 => forward
#do not exceed duty cycle of 8
#PWM.set_duty_cycle(throttlePin, duty_cycle)

def detect_edges(frame):
# filter for blue lane lines
hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
lower_blue = np.array([90, 120, 0], dtype = "uint8")
upper_blue = np.array([150, 255, 255], dtype="uint8")
mask = cv2.inRange(hsv,lower_blue,upper_blue)

# detect edges
edges = cv2.Canny(mask, 50, 100)

return edges

def region_of_interest(edges):
height, width = edges.shape
mask = np.zeros_like(edges)

# only focus lower half of the screen
polygon = np.array([[
(0, height),
(0, height/2),
(width , height/2),
(width , height),
]], np.int32)

cv2.fillPoly(mask, polygon, 255)

cropped_edges = cv2.bitwise_and(edges, mask)

return cropped_edges

def detect_line_segments(cropped_edges):
rho = 1
theta = np.pi / 180
min_threshold = 10

line_segments = cv2.HoughLinesP(cropped_edges, rho, theta, min_threshold,
np.array([]), minLineLength=5, maxLineGap=150)

return line_segments

def detect_stopsign(image):
hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

#red color has two ranges in hsv
lower_red1 = np.array([0, 70, 20])
upper_red1 = np.array([15, 255, 255])

lower_red2 = np.array([150, 70,20])
upper_red2 = np.array([179,255,255])

red_mask_lower = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red1, upper_red1)
red_mask_upper = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red2, upper_red2)
red_mask = red_mask_lower + red_mask_upper
red = cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask = red_mask)
total_pixels = red.size
#if there is a significant amount of red, recognize it as a stopsign/light
red_pixels = np.count_nonzero(red)
percent = (red_pixels / total_pixels) * 100
if percent > 25:
return True
return False

def average_slope_intercept(frame, line_segments):
lane_lines = []

if line_segments is None:
print("no line segments detected")
return lane_lines

height, width,_ = frame.shape
left_fit = []
right_fit = []

boundary = 1/3
left_region_boundary = width * (1 - boundary)
right_region_boundary = width * boundary

for line_segment in line_segments:
for x1, y1, x2, y2 in line_segment:
if x1 == x2:
print("skipping vertical lines (slope = infinity")

fit = np.polyfit((x1, x2), (y1, y2), 1)
slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
intercept = y1 - (slope * x1)

if slope < 0:
if x1 < left_region_boundary and x2 < left_region_boundary:
left_fit.append((slope, intercept))
if x1 > right_region_boundary and x2 > right_region_boundary:
right_fit.append((slope, intercept))

left_fit_average = np.average(left_fit, axis=0)
if len(left_fit) > 0:
lane_lines.append(make_points(frame, left_fit_average))

right_fit_average = np.average(right_fit, axis=0)
if len(right_fit) > 0:
lane_lines.append(make_points(frame, right_fit_average))

return lane_lines

def make_points(frame, line):
height, width, _ = frame.shape

slope, intercept = line

y1 = height # bottom of the frame
y2 = int(y1 / 2) # make points from middle of the frame down

if slope == 0:
slope = 0.1

x1 = int((y1 - intercept) / slope)
x2 = int((y2 - intercept) / slope)

return [[x1, y1, x2, y2]]

def display_lines(frame, lines, line_color=(0, 255, 0), line_width=6):
line_image = np.zeros_like(frame)

if lines is not None:
for line in lines:
for x1, y1, x2, y2 in line:
cv2.line(line_image, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), line_color, line_width)

line_image = cv2.addWeighted(frame, 0.8, line_image, 1, 1)

return line_image

def display_heading_line(frame, steering_angle, line_color=(0, 0, 255), line_width=5 ):
heading_image = np.zeros_like(frame)
height, width, _ = frame.shape

steering_angle_radian = steering_angle / 180.0 * math.pi

x1 = int(width / 2)
y1 = height
x2 = int(x1 - height / 2 / math.tan(steering_angle_radian))
y2 = int(height / 2)

cv2.line(heading_image, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), line_color, line_width)
heading_image = cv2.addWeighted(frame, 0.8, heading_image, 1, 1)

return heading_image

def get_steering_angle(frame, lane_lines):

height,width,_ = frame.shape

if len(lane_lines) == 2:
_, _, left_x2, _ = lane_lines[0][0]
_, _, right_x2, _ = lane_lines[1][0]
mid = int(width / 2)
x_offset = (left_x2 + right_x2) / 2 - mid
y_offset = int(height / 2)

elif len(lane_lines) == 1:
x1, _, x2, _ = lane_lines[0][0]
x_offset = x2 - x1
y_offset = int(height / 2)

elif len(lane_lines) == 0:
x_offset = 0
y_offset = int(height / 2)

angle_to_mid_radian = math.atan(x_offset / y_offset)
angle_to_mid_deg = int(angle_to_mid_radian * 180.0 / math.pi)
steering_angle = angle_to_mid_deg + 90

return steering_angle

video = cv2.VideoCapture(0)


##fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
##out = cv2.VideoWriter('Original15.avi',fourcc,10,(320,240))
##out2 = cv2.VideoWriter('Direction15.avi',fourcc,10,(320,240))

lastTime = 0
lastError = 0

#proportional and derivative constants
kp = 0.05
kd = kp * 0.65

#variables used for stop sign timing
frame_count = 0
frame_num = -20

#initial speed
throttle_speed = 7.88

#lists to be extracted to make graphs
frames = []
errors = []
steering_pwms = []
throttle_pwms = []
p_response = []
d_response = []

while frame_count < 500:
ret,frame =
i += 1
frame = cv2.flip(frame,-1)
frame = cv2.resize(frame, (60, 40)) #resize camera feed
frame_count += 1

#set camera
edges = detect_edges(frame)
roi = region_of_interest(edges)
line_segments = detect_line_segments(roi)
lane_lines = average_slope_intercept(frame,line_segments)
lane_lines_image = display_lines(frame,lane_lines)
steering_angle = get_steering_angle(frame, lane_lines)
heading_image = display_heading_line(lane_lines_image,steering_angle)
cv2.imshow("heading line",heading_image)

#set throttle
PWM.set_duty_cycle(throttlePin, throttle_speed)

#detect stop sign every 3 frames and past 20 frames from last stop
if i % 3 == 0 and i >= frame_num + 20:
stop = detect_stopsign(frame)
if stop == True:
throttle_speed = 7.905 #give speed boost after stop
frame_num = i
PWM.set_duty_cycle(throttlePin, 7.5)
if j == 3:
break #end script after three stops
PWM.set_duty_cycle(throttlePin, throttle_speed)

#PD controller
now = time.time()
dt = now - lastTime

deviation = steering_angle - 90
error = abs(deviation)
steering = 0

derivative = kd * (error - lastError) / dt
proportional = kp * error
PD = int(steering + derivative + proportional)
steering = abs(PD)
print("steering: " + str(steering))

#steering logic using PD values
new_val = 7.5
if deviation < 9 and deviation > -9:
print("Not Steering")
print("Deviation: " + str(deviation))
new_val = 7.5
deviation = 0
error = 0
PWM.set_duty_cycle(steeringPin, 7.5)

elif deviation > 15:
print("Steering Right")
print("Deviation: " + str(deviation))
new_val = 6 - steering/18
print("right val: " + str(new_val))
PWM.set_duty_cycle(steeringPin, new_val)

elif deviation > 9:
print("Steering right")
print("Deviation: " + str(deviation))
new_val = 6 - steering/20
print("right val: " + str(new_val))
PWM.set_duty_cycle(steeringPin, new_val)

elif deviation < -25:
print("Steering Left")
print("Deviation: " + str(deviation))
new_val = 8.6 + steering/13
print("left val: " + str(new_val))
throttle_speed = 7.91
PWM.set_duty_cycle(throttlePin, throttle_speed)
PWM.set_duty_cycle(steeringPin, new_val)

elif deviation < -20:
print("Steering Left")
print("Deviation: " + str(deviation))
new_val = 8.6 + steering/13
print("left val: " + str(new_val))
PWM.set_duty_cycle(steeringPin, new_val)

elif deviation < -9:
print("Steering Left")
print("Deviation: " + str(deviation))
new_val = 8.1 + steering/15
print("left val: " + str(new_val))
PWM.set_duty_cycle(steeringPin, new_val)

#append lists

lastError = error
lastTime = time.time()
# out.write(frame)
# out2.write(heading_image)

key = cv2.waitKey(1)
if key == 27:

#extract lists to separate file for analysis
with open("graph_data.txt", "w") as f:
f.write("frames: \n")
for item in frames:
f.write("%s, " % item)
f.write("\nerrors: \n")
for item in errors:
f.write("%s, " % item)
f.write("\nsteering pwms: \n")
for item in steering_pwms:
f.write("%s," % item)
f.write("\nthrottle pwms: \n")
for item in throttle_pwms:
f.write("%s, " % item)
f.write("\np response: \n")
for item in p_response:
f.write("%s, " % item)
f.write("\nd response: \n")
for item in d_response:
f.write("%s, " % item)

#close video feed and stop car
PWM.set_duty_cycle(throttlePin, 7.5)
PWM.set_duty_cycle(steeringPin, 7.5)

#close pins when finished



制造商零件编号 102010027
Seeed Technology Co., Ltd
制造商零件编号 102110420
BeagleBoard by Seeed Studio
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