Image of Sensata-BEI's Absolute and Incremental IO-Link Encoders 绝对和增量 IO-Link 编码器 发布日期:2022-03-30

Sensata 的 IO-Link 编码器和位置传感器可降低组件成本、增加执行时间并增强设备诊断能力。

Position Sensors

The comprehensive product line includes absolute and incremental encoders, Hall effect sensors, as well as rotary and linear potentiometers.

Sensata – BEI Sensors' ACW4 /TCW4 I/O Link Series Absolute Modular Sensors ACW4/TCW4 I/O Link 系列绝对值模块化传感器 发布日期:2021-03-12

Sensata-BEI Sensors 的 ACW4/TCW4 I/O-Link 系列模块化传感器具有单圈和多圈测量功能,带有 IO-Link 输出。

BEI Sensors脱身于Sensata Technologies,专门针对极端应用提供速度和位置传感器。 其MHM5和MHK5系列编码器旨在精确测量工业应用中的旋转匝数。 两个系列的防护等级均为IP65,采用不锈钢轴,以及由坚固塑料制成的编码盘。 产品具有13位的单匝分辨率和12位的匝数,并且可以与以太网或ProfitNet实现电气连接。

Image of Sensata BEI Sensors CD120 Incremental Draw Wire Encoders CD120 增量拉线编码器 发布日期:2019-10-31

Sensata BEI Sensors 的拉线传感器组件将旋转传感器(例如编码器)与线筒上的弹簧式可伸缩电缆结合在一起。

Sensata Solutions | CD120

Check out Sensata's CD120 series, a draw wire encoder built for industrial applications.

Sensata University | CD120 101

In this video, learn what the CD120 is, how it was developed, what value it brings and some application examples. This is a new draw wire encoder that excels in applications that need to measure position from a distance.

Sensata Solutions | ACW/TCW

Check out Sensata's ACW4 & TCW4 series, a contactless Hall effect sensor designed for automation and industrial applications.

Sensata Solutions | Multi-Turn Encoders

Check out Sensata's multi-turn absolute encoders, designed for industrial applications.

Sensata Solutions | SIL

Learn more about Sensata's functional safety encoders, rated up to SIL3/ PLe Cat 4.

Check out Sensata's solutions for commercial beverage systems. Sensata manufactures many components that make beverage systems, smaller, more efficient and more autonomous.

Image of Sensata – BEI Sensors' ACW4 and TCW4 Hall Effect Sensors ACW4 和 TCW4 霍尔效应传感器 发布日期:2019-05-30

Sensata BEI 的 ACW4 和 TCW4 系列两件式霍尔效应传感器组件旨在为工业应用提供位置传感。

Image of Sensata – BEI Sensors' MHM5 and MHK5 Encoders MHM5 和 MHK5 编码器 发布日期:2019-05-30

Sensata BEI 的多圈编码器适用于测量工业应用中的精确旋转测量。

Sensata University | MHM & MHK 101

Sensata is proud to introduce the MHM and MHK series. These are new absolute multi-turn encoders that excel in applications that need to measure both full rotary movement and count the number of rotations.

Image of Sensata – BEI Sensors' LP35 Encoders LP35 编码器 发布日期:2019-05-21

Sensata – BEI 的 LP35 是一款薄型磁性编码器,用于恶劣、肮脏工业应用中旋转的精确测量。

Sensata University | ACW4 & TCW4 101

Sensata is proud to introduce the ACW4 and TCW4 series. In this video, learn what the ACW4 and TCW4 are, how they were developed, what value they bring and some application examples.

Sensata University | LP35 101

Sensata is proud to introduce the LP35 series. This is a low-profile magnetic encoder that excels in position applications that require a rugged, compact position sensor.

Sensata University | Functional Safety 101

Learn about Sensata's functional safety products and their applications.

Sensata University | Position Sensors 101

This gives a 14 minute overview of Position Sensors – what they are, what kinds Sensata makes, key elements to consider when considering a position sensor, and application examples of Sensata’s position sensors.

Image of Sensata-BEI SIL encoder Basics of Functional Safety Applications 发布日期:2018-10-15

Introduction to functional safety, the applicable products Sensata provides, and some application examples.

Duration: 10 minutes